Re: The Sopranos

did you watch it then pied? If so what did you think? I have the whole of series 6 on my computer if you want. Dont have episode 11 though. Anyone know where i can download or watch this on the web?

i wathced a bit of it. will get that off you please.

I thought it was a smashing episode myself - loads of excellent dialogue and undercurrents. Loved the line by Carmella about the immigrants, superb irony. The Monopoly scene and subsequent fight. Loads of other stuff too that I can’t be arsed to put down!

yeah another excellent episode. best show on tv over the last few years. Does anyone know where i can view more episodes on the web?

For downloading or watching on the web itself?

either or. i have seen every episode on series 6 except 11 and 12. I have 12 but dont want to watch it till i see 11.

Get yourself bit torrent. You know what that is?

Download azureus from

Then go to or or any or any torrent search site and search for “sopranos” You will then find Episode 11 which you can download via bit torrent. It’s straightforward enough.

In my estimation tonight’s episode must rank as one of the greatest episodes ever. All the scenes with Junior were absolutely immense, especially the card game at the start. ‘What did the blind guy say as he walked past the fishmongers? Good morning, ladies.’ Classic.

That was my second or third Sopranos episode ever and it was absolute quality. Love your man Corradi or whatever he’s called.