Yes, I want to thank the People Newspapers Group for the generous plug in their Wexford, New Ross, Enniscorthy and Gorey editions last week.
We have added one new member as a result.
Yes, I want to thank the People Newspapers Group for the generous plug in their Wexford, New Ross, Enniscorthy and Gorey editions last week.
We have added one new member as a result.
The bottom listing concerns us. We’re knocking on the door of fame. Another 25cent ad revenue last week.
How did we get on that rocko?
I picked up The Wexford People up here in the big schmoke yesterday. They gave us a decent little write up. Fair play to them for responding to my anonymous appeal for a plug. I actually always thought they were right cooooooooonts but maybe they’re alright!
type ‘the freekick’ into google and this site is top of that listing.
Take a photo of it and pop it up here will ya? It should only take you about 5 or 6 hours to figure out how to do that:
Take photo with mobile phone
Assuming you’re vodafone mms photo to 0879421000
Log onto
Look in your gallery
Download photo to your computer
Convert it to a JPG
Upload it to this site
Let us all see the plug.
We didn’t submit anything to get it in - usually results like that are automated but the little description they give afterwards wasn’t written by us so somebody wrote that about us at some stage.
I understand steps 1. to 4. with the expection of the phrase ‘mms’ but I don’t know what steps 5. to 7. mean. However, I do understand step 8.
WE HAVE received an appeal for another free plug from the realms of cyberspace.
There’s no shortage of places to go now on the worldwide web if you want to indulge in some sporting debate, and another site has come to our attention.
I’m referring to, and while its content isn’t solely confined to G.A.A. matters, there’s enough material about our national games on the forum to interest our readers.
For those of you with broader sporting interests, there is plenty of passionate debate on Celtic F.C. and the Champions League among other things.
And we never thought we’d be mentioning this in ‘Sideline Cuts’, but any closet afficionados of Australian drama ‘Home and Away’ will find plenty of kindred spirits on
We are reliably informed that many of the contributors are either Wexford-based or Wexford-born, and they want to increase their members. Check it out!
(You have to have an Irish Independent account to read it on the site though - The Wexford People are O’Reilly’s men).
Smashing stuff!
Any media mentions lately?
When is the court date, pal? It will surely make the Limerick Leader.