Either way it’ll ruin the winding up of farmer that keen as jam has been doing. I do it on my phone to prove my fingers aren’t too fat for the keys.
Yeah, as is bebo and youtube for whaever reason.
Is farmer out of the office or is he not willing to face up to us over the football?
Out of the office.
A text just in from farmer:
‘Failed a late fitness test there. I’m out of the match.’
I don’t think the big man even deserves a reply.
I think an official reprimand is in order.
The guy fixing the printer in our office looks like this O0
Harry Kewell.
Fast start tonight.
Can’t be straight on the back foot like the first two games.
Among the mass hysteria over farmerinthecity’s (Farmer) abense from thefreekick.com’s third game in the astro league, he would like to release the following statement:
Farmer would like to express his sincere apologies to his team mates following his behaviour this week. He realises that his conduct was out of order. As it turns out he was in fact injured - a injury to the stomach common among footballers or youg professionals who had been out for a few social drinks the night before. He is deeply upset by reports in the media citing personal problems which, he wouild like to stress, was not the case. I’m sure you all like to know that he is beginning his process of rehabilitation and he would like to be considered for selection in forthcoming matches.
That is all for now
What is all this rubbish about?
And I got keenasjam’s message but I didn’t find it amusing considering I use the same line to him about his mother a few weeks ago