Took a year out when I was in college. Had a visa sorted and a job lined up in NZ from October to March/April time. Was too pussy whipped to go. I was single before Christmas.
Had an option of a career break for a year, that could have been extended longer if I wanted. The job waseasy, but repetitive.All I had at the time was a sparkling BA. Though about travelling to see the world before I was too old or Gary Glitter like, thought about doing a TEFL and heading to South America. Canada was an option too, decided in the end to stick around and put down roots
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense
Played on too many teams when I was too young, played with injuries was permanently injured from 17-21 and never properly recovered, feeling the effects of it all now in my early 30s
Acted the bollox with a fair few women in my time but I’m with a smashing girl now
Taking up smoking
Drinking to excess too often in my late teens/early 20s
Not being focused enough when I was younger
But generally I’m quite content with my lot I could be a lot worse off that’s for sure!!
Drinking my way through uni. Not taking up the last three jobs I was offered in Ireland though it wasnt really my decision. Not emigrating to oz in the late nineties . I have a lovely wife and kids, a nice home and good friends though, so I can’t complain.
Other regrets would be the way I have treated people, especially in my obscenely drunken college years, and the way things turned out with playing hurling.