Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

It’s not a loaded question, it’s just a question you can’t answer.

It’s a question I’ve answered that doesn’t fit with your agenda. I will set the parameters on my views, not you.

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No one is screaming anything.

Calm down.

That’s why you can’t answer a simple question, as it’s too difficult to take the blinkers off.

When the Chloroqueen is all out of ideas, he resorts to crude reductionism.

Reductionism is a deliberately pejorative term and only gets applied to ideas that are so stupid and so crude they don’t need to be addressed.

Ironically, the Chloroqueen and his fellow fools would wrongly brand as reductionist the idea that you do everything you can to save millions of lives in a global pandemic.

Whereas it is fact the one of the most righteous and most certain moral ideas one can imagine.

Moral clarity is everything in this situation.

I’m not answering a loaded question. I have answered the circumstances which I feel a lockdown should stay in place until. You don’t like that and seem to be trying to dictate to me under a bizarre unilateral premise. Strange.

Unsurprisingly Harrow is now one the hardest hit areas of London.

Who produces, transports, processes and pays for food and the world to eat if we’re all on lockdown for up to or a year?

Essential employees, essential business sectors and governments.

Is this the issue? You’re not an essential worker & your pride is severely dented?


The lives of those people don’t matter apparently. People are very selfish to expect those essential people to continue to put their lives at risk, while they sit at home.

Go back to the bold step like a good boy.

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Literally nobody argued that but well done on winning the fictional argument you dreamed up.

where do the people sitting at home for possibly a year get money to pay for food, mortgage and other amenities? It’s easy say the government but that’s not how the grown up world works.

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the magic money tree

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Temporary Universal Basic Income, Helicopter money, Central Bank money creation.

Central banks have the absolute power to keep economies going while they are largely in hibernation.

The lock it down until there are no deaths simpletons haven’t addressed or are able to address the points the author makes. It’s just the simple message for them, we need to lock down society because people are dying. Nevermind death rates, statistics… lock it down ta fuck.


There are people in southern Italy right now looting supermarkets because they have no food and no money to buy food, and they are two weeks into a lockdown (the earlier lockdown was northern Italy only). How long before we see the same in Spain and France, or the UK?

The valid question being asked is what level of risk involving COVID-19 is appropriate, given the very real risk of a complete economic collapse and societal breakdown. It’s very hard for some lads who sit at home for a living anyway to grasp this, as they assume their world won’t change. Their world will change in ways they never thought possible.


How long is that sustainable ? You’d need every country to be on the same page. and that’s never gonna happen. You cant have all the major economies back near full capacity and countries around them still on lock down. It doesnt work for a lot of reasons. The US will be back asap, the UK will - shur they’re carrying on like nothing is happeneing. China is already back motoring — for how long would the central back keep us going as businesses here collapse ?

The OP literally tried to make out there were no extra deaths from COVID-19 because he’s a nutcase.

Now the far right loonies like yerself are using the classic far right loony strategy - argue against something nobody said.

COVID-19 has exposed the likes of yourself and the other far right nutcases here as the utter charlatans you are - no answers, no ability to analyse a situation, absolute believers in failed and discredited dogma and ideology.

Live with it.

Because many others can’t because of your failed, insane dogma.