Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Frightening numbers, stay safe old pal.

Try that again please.

Leftists love state control of the population and their behaviour

That’s why I asked for recovery stats.

See my post above.

Ours aren’t on the graph you posted.

it’s the same graph for both countries… that is the current active cases, minus the sadly deceased and the happily recovered

Eh no. Check your axis.

See my above post. We have similar cases, ICUs and death rates, and our first case was the same day as them, per head of population and when testing is equalised (we’ve tested more).

What I asked was for how many recovered cases we had, which would impact your graph above.

The key difference at the moment is that we have had 11% growth the last few days when we had 7% once during the week. They’ve dropped to 8/9% over the last couple of days. I accept that impacts consideration of coming out of hard lockdown, however they were considering this from the start of the week, before the 8/9%.

How much ICU capacity have they?

According to worldometer we have 5 recovered cases. We aren’t testing for recovery though are we? Also, we are running approx 7 days behind on test results. How far are Denmark running behind?

Of course there is.

I suspect Ireland isn’t tracking recovery, how many people that have recovered at home have they counted?

You’d need a test to confirm recovery. We’re already backlogged trying to find sick people not to mind healthy people

My recollection is that all measures so far taken during this crisis were criticised as overreactions at one point or another.

And in each case, such assertions proved wrong.

I also made that point if you read my post.

Not sure what on earth your point is here.


How much ICU capacity have they compared to us?
What is their test lag?
What is their test backlog?

Their population, cases and deaths are roughly the same as Ireland. They have 1,193 recovered and Ireland has 5, that’s clearly nonsense.

I agreed our recovered rate is wrong because we can’t afford to test healthy people. We are struggling to test sick people

If you aren’t going to answer the questions asked, please don’t bring up old points not relevant to the current discussion, that we’ve already gone over. Thanks

But I made that point, if you read my post!

I didn’t say we had to follow them, I just said we had a lot of similarities to them and they were considering it. I said capacity would be a consideration as well as making the recovery point.

I simply want a debate on this, not just a “let’s wait and see”.

You raised the Denmark comparison, I asked you relevant questions to the comparison. How does their testing and ICU compare? I’m debating not attacking your point.

Also we don’t know our test backlog as we changed our reasons for getting one, moving to WHO guidelines.

We had tested more than them up until yesterday per head of population.