Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

It seems a bit mad to me that they’re targeting those on social welfare and not anybody else.

Pissy advice and passive aggressive messaging.

Just shut the fucking borders if that’s what they want. Shut. Wear masks and stop fucking moaning.

Instead they say, guys, it would be great if you could wear a mask and maybe stay at home, you know in the pandemic.

Fucking lead. And don’t be afraid to upset people in the middle of a major crisis


That’s the ins and outs of it - Half measures all pandemic long and that’s been my main gripe most of the time, not the measures, just the stupidity and half arsed nature of it.

So if people have to travel, for essential reasons, they would have clear advice on risk and on quarantining requirements upon return. The continued explicit advice is not to travel anywhere unless travel is essential. The continued explicit advice is that holidays is not essential travel.

Its possibly over-cautious but it’s not particularly complicated. The only people who seem to struggle with it are those who are wilfully looking to misinterpret it - maybe looking for reasons to get on a plane for their holidays.


I’ve never heard the beat of it, what is going on in Ireland, a pandemic that doesn’t affect 99 per cent of the world, and the likes of rte have everyone shitting themslves in case they get killed, wake up to fuck lads

Everything they do is driving a wedge between different parts of society because they are scared shitless of upsetting anyone, so all that happens is a passive aggressive message and then loads of fighting

Sure you had a lad above saying Freedom to travel is a basic human right.

I’d imagine “shut the borders” is an easy slogan but quite difficult to implement both politically (in relation to UK, EU, USA etc) and also administratively (are you allowed fly for a funeral? Who lets you, is the state on the hook to airlines etc etc)

The advice has been consistently clear. Don’t travel unless you have to.

Anyone who travels for a non essential reason - is knowingly ignoring that.

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So let me get this straight - what there are doing is upsetting people as they are “driving a wedge” while simultaneously they are scared shitless of upsetting anyone.

Sensible analysis.

Just day travel is banned for non essential reasons and then have a list of essential reasons. Its straightforward enough.

What they’ve done is given a list of countries that are safe but then said, eh but don’t go. I mean what the fuck?

It literally is. You accused the same lad of wanting the Government to shut the borders. You are like Leo, a bit all over the place here

That’s exactly what they are doing. There has been no clear leadership on this for months. They passed all the shit off to Holohan while Varadkar quoted movie speeches and now you have the shit show with masks and travel. It’s been a clusterfuck

Don’t travel unless it is essential.

Seems straightforward to me. What am I missing?


Do you find that complicated? It’s a bit disconcerting that you can’t figure that out.

Here’s a trick question for you - Should you go abroad on holidays now?

Did you miss the part where they released a green list?


But they’re allowing every cunt in the world in without limitation at the same time.

Problem. Inconsistent

I shouldn’t have accused you of wanting to shut the borders - it was for comic effect.

It wasnt funny

Ok - so at least we’re agreed that the travel advice is fairly obvious.

Thanks. I’ll add it to my work-ons.

I’m sure publicans would be delighted if they were just “advised” to close