Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Your greatest post on this forum.

Travels not in any way restricted. They can work away. It just won’t be sponsored by other people. That, according to twitter, is fascism.


Is it not people on covid payment only they are targeting?

A week in Santa ponsa is cheaper than a week back west

The poorest in society always get hit, mate.

A covid payment is for people that worked potentially all their lives up until this crisis.

Totally unfair to penalise them, it should be a ban on foreign travel for all by right. Not this green list rubbish.


I’m all for helping those less well off. If you are on welfare, are able bodied and can afford to go on holiday then you are receiving too much welfare.


You could have a person who has worked hard for 20 years that has found themselves on covid - they could be heading to a wedding, or off on a short hol, but they are now the enemy.

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Covid payment isnt the dole though, mate.

Exactly - a funeral of a close relative etc

I have to travel to work. Is that essential?

We need Tubbers back from holiday to take a lead.

It is and dont you dare go on the covid payment you scummy bastard.

He’s holding out for a free bed from the state.

It’s a welfare payment. Should apply across the board.

Another superspreader. Don’t you know that you’re not welcome in Ireland?

Fly to Belfast, there are no restrictions between Ireland and NI.

he is welcome, I have British money burning a hole in my pocket waiting to be spent, I was buying sthuff in Supervalue in Gort that I didn’t even need yesterday, half the cunts in there didn’t even have a mask on, I was risking my live trying to save the Irish economy


I got fucked out of a shop in the maharees for not having a mask on, which is fair enough I suppose. The caravan park was full of yellow reg range rovers

don’t mind that bollixollogy, flight straight into Shannon and plough on, you don’t even have to put your real name on the form, enough of project fear ENOUGH!

Is there even anyone manning the desk in Shannon, I don’t think I have ever seen anyone there for years.

Cork airport is the worst for that. No matter where you come in from you’ve to queue up and show your passport. Always either only one or two desks open. Absolutely no need