Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

the guards on the desk check your passport as usual and thats it and then they take the bullshit form off you, they don’t even look at it. There’s lads filling out as they are approaching the desk, trying to write on it balancing it on their arm, totally illegible

I flew into Cork many years ago (I think from Toulouse) and the guard at the desk was literally asleep as the passengers strolled past him into the country.

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Sounds like security was too loose alright.


At least the queue wasn’t Toulon.


It doesn’t count as an assist if you set yourself up

A lovely little one-two with Mike there to put me into space.


A wall pass from mike. You did all the work.

Frank & Honest coffee in piss in a paper cup. The End

Is there anywhere that does Tim Hortons these days? That wasn’t bad in petrol stations.

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All a guard could check, were he so inclined, is your name and DOB. Your phone no and address are not on your passport


The major crisis is not Covid-19. It’s the government’s response to Covid-19.

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Disappointed to see the school reopening becoming a political football now with opposition trying to score cheap points and nit picking, just going to create greater uncertainty

Christ, politics is painful



No surprise when the majority of politicians are failed teachers

In the interest of fairness getting kids back in school will get loads of parents back to work, the amount of people that cant work, or are working limited days is high

Add in wfh and an expectation to home school

The schools reopening is priority one

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Genuinely I think everything else pales into significance compared to that, I have the utmost sympathy for anybody experiencing difficulty but you have to prioritise and nothing starts until the kids are back in school full time, everybody needs to get behind that


I found myself nodding in agreement reading this recently:

"By locking down during the Coronavirus pandemic the whole western world has clung to safety above all else. We’ve willingly traded prosperity, functionality, joy, good company and the productive futures of upcoming generations for short term security. That’s a security narrowly defined as well: individual medical security, as opposed to the broader, more long term security of a sound economy and a thriving community. Hysterical safety-ism is the mark of a society that has passed it’s peak. The west has subsided to a geriatric phase of high anxiety and low expectations. " (Lionel Shriver)


Correct but once you’ve a WiFi connection sure noone seems to give a fuck.

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