Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Please find the word happy in my post. Stop making things up.

Other than the one insane poster, who would love to see everything crash and burn to be proven right, nobody is happy. But we are also sleep walking into a global depression, and people are not aware enough to realize that. Led by governments who are making it up as they go along. For those that say central banks will save us, go back and study the Great Depression, central banks turned a bad recession into a decade long depression, which more than anything else caused WWII.


Apologies, comfortable. My point stands

We aren’t sleep walking into anything. We are being forced into one by a global pandemic. Governments are flat out trying to deal with the shit storm thats right in front of them. Literally every government department is pulled in one direction, here right now.

We do know how it spreads. It is a respiratory virus like all respiratory viruses that is spread by droplet. We have just copped on that droplets that are very small, like a mist from breathing or speaking, have enough viral load to infect other people.


That was just learned recently. What else haven’t we found out. It was assumed not to be airborne until recently

We may have enough to fight how it spreads but we have no idea bar educated guesses about how fast .

The fact that its airborne will change measures drastically for the worse in terms of what can be relaxed, if we hadn’t found out it was airborne and had relaxed measures without this key data point, then that could be very bad.

I still think I we can afford to take the hit for another 6 weeks. But I do get what you’re saying

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Yourself, @ironmoth, @Enrique and perhaps a couple of other weirdos here on this wildly unrepresentative haven for far right nutcases are the people imploring for society to crash and burn, and have a holocaust into the bargain.

That’s genuine insanity by the standards of any normal people.

You will continue to be called out on it.

Given the three of you are all Trump superfans, it’s no suprise you want to see society burn for the hell of it.

A widely lauded new study from three political scientists has found that the people who are most strongly attracted to President Donald Trump are fueled by “chaos” and tend to believe that “society should be burned to the ground.”

The study, which was cited in the latest column from the New York Times’ Thomas Edsall, found that social media websites have allowed angry conspiracy theorists to gain mass audiences, whereas in the past they have been relegated to the fringes of political discourse.

These formerly fringe actors are driven by the need to create chaos, Edsall writes, and that’s why they are drawn so strongly to Trump’s presidency.

The study’s authors — political scientists Michael Bang Petersen and Mathias Osmundsen of Aarhus University in Denmark, and Kevin Arceneaux of Temple University — found that Trump supporters were far more likely than other voters to be sympathetic toward statements such as “I fantasize about a natural disaster wiping out most of humanity such that a small group of people can start all over” and “I think society should be burned to the ground.”

Nice bit of Nazi apologism there.

Bet you have your jackboots on at the moment, you freak.

Which one of you is this, @ironmoth, @Enrique, @labane1917?

I’d say given his tampon fetish it’s @labane1917.

Literally every country is dealing with it somewhat differently, from Sweden effectively doing nothing to China welding people’s doors shut.

Government departments pulling together :rofl:
Did you ever have the misfortune to deal with the government?

Where did I say together in my post? Stop making things up

The fact that everybody is dealing with it differently makes easing of restrictions and global recovery inherently more difficult

@labane1917 proclaimed the superiority of international non-co-operation years ago. He was completely wrong about that, obviously, but four years later is still in desperate denial about it and frantically searching for anything to cling onto, and if he can’t find anything, which he generally doesn’t, he makes it up.

Pulling in the one direction then!

I have to go and make dinner mate, all the best for now to you and yours.


Thanks and the same.

Night dude. I’m bate

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Fucki g wimps. I’m only getting started

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For those questioning the economic impact. One billion workers facing losing their jobs or a pay cut, restrictions and lock downs already affecting 2.7 billions workers worldwide. Half of that number, which represent 38.4% of the total global workforce, are extremely vulnerable, mainly in the hospitality, food service, manufacturing, and retail industries.

But, according to some, we can carry on without capitalism. The money will be found somewhere.


It suits their narrative considering the Dr Death nicknames they’ve gotten.

Not to nitpick but there are almost no poisonous snakes out there. The word you’re looking for was venomous. You often use the wrong word though so I’ll let it slide

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We’re off to an early start this morning lads. Working up an appetite for the roast dinner

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Wars are more common in bad recessions. So is the election of extreme regimes. Recessions are, in so many ways, killers. Deaths go up across the board.

We lose a heap of money, we lose whatever is left of out health service. Fewer ambulances and fewer people to drive them. Fewer nurses. Fewer surgeons and the ones left using older, less effective equipment. The list goes on.

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