Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

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Deaths are two to six weeks behind infections.

We’ve tested more than most countries per capita.

Most deaths are in nursing homes. It’s a tragedy but a different tragedy to what was predicted and is a reflection of how nursing homes are run.

& regulated

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Is it the end of the mom and pop operation ?

I would say nursing homes are roughly the same the world over. They are simply not set up to deal with infectious diseases compared to hospitals. People I have spoken to here who work in nursing homes told me there was an appalling lack of awareness up to a few weeks ago, staff not even wearing face masks. Weeks earlier hospitals had stopped all visitors, were segregating patients with respiratory symptoms, everyone wearing masks, etc.

Right. Open the clothes/hardware etc shops. Keep social distancing and limit the numbers in the shops. See how it goes.


I think Hardware shops have permission to operate a phone and collect service. 3 Topline shops near home are doing this anyway.

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Are there any dentists open that do emergency work?

Look at Captain Cunt with his bright ideas a couple of months too late.

Have you no shame?

Farmer consumables only afaik.

The black north is shut down until may 9th. You can expect an influx of plague ridden party animals on the 5th.

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Babysteps to be commenced from next week over here. First phase of normalisation is to last 3 weeks. Recycling centres and hardware shops to be opened from Monday and construction and gardening work is being allowed start up again. Bars and restaurants they’ll see where we are after 10 May and make a plan then.

Masks to be mandatory from Monday in any place that the social distancing cannot be safely practiced. Home made ones will do but they’re arranging the rollout of proper masks to the whole country. There’s a stockpile of 6 to 7 million masks apparently.



Where’s here @Piles_Hussain


:grinning:in fairness he called this shit in January

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The Swedes holding their nerve and not succumbing to hysteria and panic from the lock it down ta fuck simpletons like @carryharry is heartening.

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It’s fascinating that the simpletons calling Trump and Boris murderers for not acting quickly enough are giving Sweden a pass because they have a left leaning government. Same with Spain with their socialist government.

People dying is not something the left are worried about

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