Abortion Referendum Thread

That’s your view and while you’re entitled to it you don’t have the right to force it on anyone.

Actions have consequences - that’s not an opinion. People who have sex know the risks involved.

You seem to saying that it is ok for people not to be accountable for their actions.

What consequences should a rape victim suffer?

I mentioned people having sex, not those who are raped.

Why should a woman carry around a dead foetus ?

Who mentioned dead foetus?

You were advocating killing babies a few posts ago.

I never advocated anything. I said people in extraordinary circumstances should be allowed choose instead of being berated by loopy god botherers who won’t be around to live with aftermath. Unfortunately for you the church no longer dictates to people and it’s only a matter of time before abortion is legalized… but the legislation and laws around it require very serious debate. While you maybe a keyboard warrior, there are also many who are willing to express your stunted views in public that will end up leading to half measures and the continuation of thousands of women having to go to England yearly.

Maybe they should consider all the consequences before having sex.

Fantastic post @Locke. Somebody had to ask the question and if it wasn’t @ChocolateMice it would’ve been me because I have very conflicting views on this issue, even in my own mind.

But you fielded the issue exactly how I expected you would, pure gentleman with a heart of gold



As I suspected. You’re only interested in language games and trying to move the parameters to a boxed off black and white version of the world that only exists in your head. You might think this is clever, but it paints you as ignorant.

I’m saying there’s no point playing the sympathy angle on people who want to abort a child because they might be a bit more hassle in their life that they thought.

You seem to think it’s OK.

For the last time I said in extraordinary cases, such as Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome), parents should have a choice - That’s hardly the ‘sympathy angle’ or a ‘little’ bit of ‘hassle’.

I suspect the real issue here is your ignorance. You don’t have sex, you can’t communicate with women and you idolize sodomy… You’re hardly a voice of authority on procreation and having children.

It’s not about they want, it’s about the life they are choosing to end.

It’s not their decision to play God.

What are you on about a god for?? That’s the second time you’ve used that word like it carries some sort of conviction. Religion is a personal belief - not a fact - and it’s not something that can be forced on others. The term ‘god’ has no place in an argument about anything. Millions of people don’t believe in god and are as right and correct in their assertion as people who do believe.So Please leave your fairy tales out of this thread.

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You don’t believe in a God but you believe in a person’s choice to choose who lives and who doesn’t live? What gives them the right to play God?

How can people play at something that doesn’t exist?? That makes no sense?

Do animals have a right to life or is it something just reserved for humans?

That’s your your bigotry talking.

You cannot disprove his existence?

The onus is on you to prove it ---- If I went around saying I met the man in the moon and he granted me three wishes I think the onus would be on me to back up my story not on others to disprove it.

Humans are God’s greatest creations. You think people have a right to choose who lives and who doesn’t, I don’t - only God has that right.