[spoiler] Santina to Raw. Santino to Smackdown. 
Also I was thinking Orton/Legacy could get drafed to Smackdown and take Hunters title off him at Backlash to balance out the World Championship situation. Then Batista would be drafted there as well to start a feud with Orton. [/spoiler]
[quote=“The Dunph”]Draft pick No.6
CM Fag to Smackdown. Yawn.
Ah what have you got against him. Its a good pick. He might get a chance over there.
Cenas 12 rounds trailer. Looks epic.
[quote=“Captainshan”]Ah what have you got against him. Its a good pick. He might get a chance over there.
Cenas 12 rounds trailer. Looks epic.[/quote]
He’s a creep. As is Cena.
When he turns on Cena he will be a superstar. Flano will back me up on Punk.
ECW will get a pick here anyway. ECW. ECW. ECW.
Michael Cole is a cunt. That is all.
I can agree with you on that. Why won’t someone just murder him.
Interesting that. A new rivalry formed perhaps?
No 8 moves every draft.
No 9 was to be expected. So there is 3 picks left tonight. Ecw need them.
[quote=“The Dunph”]Draft pick No.10
Kozlov to ECW. I was right. ECW! ECW! ECW!
Good call but its not good for his career.
I wouldn’t be so sure. He badly, badly needed a move.
[quote=“The Dunph”]Draft pick No.11