Rory McIlroy, Number 3 golfer in The World and US Open 2024 runner up

Nah, there can’t have been any shit left after those last few holes.


Rory’s biggest problem imo is his caddie. The man gives an opinion when asked ( rarely ) but seems happy to carry the bag & rake the bunkers.

No way, just not a hope does Rory lose last night with an experienced and strong caddie on the bag.

The short putt he missed was a putt of a guy who knew there was break in it but felt pace would take it away.
He was lucky he caught any of the cup as it was 10ft past otherwise.

All the fucking money the Cunt has and he can’t take direction from an experienced Caddie.
Pure arrogance or just plain stupidity?

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I dunno but his last two years he’s been contending a lot of majors. I’d say as lot more than the previous 5 years.

And Bryson trolled the absolute fuck out of him signing autographs and talking to media, fans & Green staff until it was dark. :joy:


No he didn’t.

how much money did he get for finishing second? The least he could do is hang around for a few hours after it. The Limericks, even though they are the greatest hurling squad ever have work to get up for.

They rarely if ever hang around win lose or draw.

Didn’t Phil mickelson end up in a play off after being mid air thinking he’d miss the cut on a Friday ten years ago or so.

With a proper strong minded experienced caddie he wins those close calls. Someone like Billy Foster would be brilliant for him.
Look at how he got Fitzpatrick around a US Open to win.

These players are all talented, many not as much as Rory but their support networks are better.

Rory believes his hype and thinks his course management is good enough. It’s clearly not when the pressure is applied.

Take his scoring when he’s pressure free in final rounds. Easy done then……

Yet since his friend went on the bag there’s been a definite up tick in performances in majors has there not?

How many has he won?

How many has he imploded in?

So whatever happened since 22 there’s been a fair old up tick in his performances.

Expect him to be gracious?

Bryson has literally been accused of bullying pga tour staff and being a complete dickhead to so many people.

He also ran off and took the blood money.

Maybe he’s changed but I severely doubt it.

Id much rather a straight up prick than a fella going around pretending to be nice.

Sure is there plenty of lads with good caddies and they don’t have four majors.

You have to be a sicko to get into the top 10 in the world at golf and stay there coming up on 15 years.

A fella with no bottle is never heard from after that masters in 2011. He went on to clean up.

He’s bounced back before he can do it again.

I’m not sure what your point here is at all.

Is it his mate that’s caddying for him still?

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My point is clear as day. Stick to the horsey’s bro

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Bryson seems a very decent fella. Rory might learn a little from him

There’s been a huge up tick in performances in majors in the last three years. No caddy make him put those 2 misses.

It’s far too easy to blame the caddy.

Have spieth and Thomas collapsed because of their caddies?

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