Rough birds I'd think twice about getting up on

The one on the right there would be just the job for Flatty.

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She’d fit in well in Diddlesbury. He’d have to buy her a helmet to ride behind him on the motorbike though.

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I’d say she’d prefer to be catching crabs on Wales

As @Bandage might say, what’s with all the hostility guys?


Once again, I find myself nodding along in agreement.

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I’d say Wales would catch crabs off her.


A lovely person,

Mary Rose Doorly

Kim Raisner

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She’s a powerful woman.

You know when you bang her name in google and put nude after it, and you get nothing, that she’s not to be messed with. You’d certainly want to think twice about it. Anyway she likes a bit of Arab. Dated Prince Andrew back in the day as well.

She’ll close this place down in the morning if we say anything bad about her.

There are rumours about her early career. Lots of them.

Better keep them to PM.

I wouldn’t put her out for the wren.

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Who is she

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The latest target of the tfk misogyny crew


A worthy target in fairness