Rough(ish) birds that you would get up on

That looks like a man with a wig,nothing wrong with that if your into it,but this is the wrong thread

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The title is roughish birds…

I take it back, …is that the bird(bloke) involved in the proposed Newcastle takeover?

That’s a fresh new hairstyle Cavani is rocking.

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Siobhan Ryan’s dress must have been painted onto her this evening


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A thiarna déan trocaire


The O Riada mass? I love it.

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I’d say you’ve got up on worse yourself back in the day, chasing quare wans around the Bridge Hotel

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Look deep into her face and figure out who she is. Although I suppose @myboyblue has her posted up already somewhere.

Robbie Savage?

Harrys sister.

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As rough as a bag of spanners I’d say. Roy Keane is getting the brunt of her at the moment.

I’d happily take her brunt.

That was taken out in Dubai I bet.