Rough(ish) birds that you would get up on

Lads thought she’d balloon out , how wrong they were .

I think she’s unreal


She’s a bit butch looking for my liking

a pair of thighs like xenia onatopp.

I’d have to be dug out of her.

Put back on the dressing gown luv…

Is that meant to be impressive?

She looks like the lead singer of The Chilli Peppers.

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For reference;

Also i don’t think @Cicero_Dandi knows who the lead singer of RHCP is…

Very odd behaviour sharing that, I guess she’s a personality now and an influencer, and needs to act accordingly.


What kind of deranged nutjob publishes photos of them dancing in their underwear in their bathroom. She must be mentally unwell.

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She’s a low rent Kardashian, you gotta get out there on social media to get the hits.

That’s the way its gone now.


Big arms on her like a builder.

I rathered the kinda pudgy version

That photo has shaken a few lads to the core today.


none of which have a core like Anna.

She’s from Cork mate. Say no more.

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A lot of lads are feeling very inadequate after seeing that pic.

and that’s only lads… imagine birds seeing it… there’ll be people on accusing her of fat shaming before long

You wouldn’t put 2 calves on her anyway.