Roy Keane - Sky Sports Pundit / Walkers Leprechaun / Adidas Champion

I’m sure you could drink 11 bottles in a hour if you wanted to. But there is no way in hell you would drink 11 an hour for a full night. Just auld handy talk from a serial spoofer

At what age did you realise your uncle was an alcoholic

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We used to do a “power hour” where we’d drink a shot of beer every minute for an hour. None of us were plying for Man Utd at the time however

We did an “hour of power” at @Thomas_Brady’s stag

Cc @Phil_Leotardo


An hour was it?

Probably before I was 10

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Plus a little bit of injury time

Gary Neville is some toady.

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Felt like a 2 legged affair with extra time and penos.

Just watched the Overlap interview. Very good.

As for the 10/11 bottles in an hour, what would that be, 5/6 pints? 4 pints in an hour handy, maybe a wedge in there, that would be the pace if you were on a bender as a young lad. I’m out tonight in leafy Douglas and if I have 5/6 pints for the night I’d say I’ll be on my back.

The issue with the power hour is how full your stomach gets, not how drunk you get

who was that?

A part time lorry driver from Slough.

Mo Robinson?


He’s a gent( and a southsider):ok_hand:


Weird how similar he looks to ronaldo


Is he saying that as if it is something to be proud of?