Roy Keane - Sky Sports Pundit / Walkers Leprechaun / Adidas Champion

I’d say he’s fuming all day long. He needs a week back in Cork with the usual fellas backslapping him and telling him he’s one of their own boy.

Keane asking carragher did he win the fa cup was beautiful.

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I dunno who’s worse, Keane or united. united need Keane but Banquo will never allow it. Keane knows it can never be but can’t help but crave to go back for one more shot

Keane tries to play it cool about being a “Man United man” most of the time but Carragher pushed him over the edge yesterday and the mask melted off his face such was his rage


The footix talk more about the pundits than the actual matches

This is beyond barstoolism


No Broadwood Stadium in Cumbernauld . Administered by a kipper smoker


It was less stevie G and more Stevedore that done for Keane on the banks of the Clyde …


All this possession football has ruined the game. Games are generally dull affairs

A colleague from Norfolk went to the cup final yesterday, was praising how raw the atmosphere was compared to an epl game

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Extremely online

How twee



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Anto and Decko love to have their belly tickled by a foreign footix

Keanes laugh wtf :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


:laughing: That was so unexpected

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Honestly no wonder you never hear him laugh :joy:

Linked with the Hibs job today.

Can anyone post this?

Saipan?!!! Again?!!

For fuck sake!