Roy Keane - Sky Sports Pundit / Walkers Leprechaun / Adidas Champion

Keane is literally box office


All Footix of the Day nominees going forward will enter a draw to win two tickets to see Keane, Neville and Carragher tread over well trodden ground.

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Genius move teaming the three lads up together. Nevs and keano hate carragher for being a scouser dirtbag who spits on little girls, carragher and keano hate nevs for being such a gary. Carragher and nevs are scared shitless of keane. Literally anything could happen. The politics and sub-plots will be off the charts
75 quid a ticket is a bit steep though

I can get one for 13.


You can, in yer hole.
Its 75, give or take

Oh yes I can.


What more can those 3 say that they haven’t said already? “Banter”…
Keane to come out with some quip about Fergie, Ronaldo or “Sharpy” or “Yorkie”.
Neville to say something about “Giggsy”.
Cara to say something about being a scouser.

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better than you obsessing over shit and piss. That wouldn’t fill the 3 arena


Tickets are 41 euro

From 41 euro mate

Would that be the guts of 80 euro?


You’d want to be from middle class douglas at those prices


There’s a lot you could say about those lads!

Ask Keano why he hates that flash cunt Teddy Sheringham?

Thats 82 euro for a pair which equates to 75 stg, so if you buy two and get stood up its cost you 75 squideramas to attend.

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And your point is……

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What are you getting your pantos in a twist for?

Footix Flutes

Keane is a parody of himself at this stage. Sold his soul for a few quid.