Tà tù imithe i bfhad Flatty a stòr. Seachtain na Gaeilge anseo. Seo dàn a scrìobh lad cosùil leatsa agus è sàinnithe san ardchathair. Is dòcha go rithfidh sè leat.
Faoiseamh a gheobhadsa
Seal beag gairid
I measc mo dhaoine
Ar oileán mara,
Ag siúl cois cladaigh
Maidin is tráthnóna
Ó Luan go Satharn
Thiar ag baile.
Faoiseamh a gheobhadsa
Seal beag gairid
I measc mo dhaoine
Ó chrá chroí,
Ó bhuairt aigne,
Ó uaigneas dhuairc,
Ó chaint ghontach
Thiar ag baile.
Agus glaofaidh siad ‘Billy Big Balls’ agus ‘The Brit’ ort. Agus beidh siad ag magadh fùt chomh maith. Ach cuirfidh siad go lèir isteach ar an bpost mar ghiolla.
The Joe.ie crowd will love it, getting a pat on the head from the soccer crowd out foreign. The GAA crowd might love or hate it, depending on how fanatic they are. The DUP, loyalists will hate it but fuck them.
I thought Neville was a potential top class cricket player, it’s strange that he couldn’t throw a small round ball in the air and make contact with a stick, most people would be able to hit a tennis ball 50 yards with a brush handle