
RT are showing Liverpool’s match against Porto next week ahead of Celtic’s match against Shaktar. This surprised me a little as after the amount of compaints they got for not showing Celtic’s tie with Moscow and then their attempts to blame Celtic for it and their tame excuses subsequently being caught out I thought they may have gone for the Celtic match this time around. Also I can’t remember Liverpool coming near the ratings of Celtic or Manchester United either on RTE (actually don’t even think I have seen Liverpool in top rated sports events on RTE ever). RTE are fast becoming just a station for fans of the EPL at this stage. Even last night there were constant references to ‘us knowing him from the Premiership’. After we were treated by RTE to highlights of the home leg against Moscow the analysis didn’t reflect on the high quality of the game or the astonishing pace of it. Instead it concentrated on how EPL managers could snap up some of the Moscow players on the cheap. There really has been a significant change in RT for the worse over last couple of years.

I reckon you should email Stephen Alkin again. I really think you two were forging a nice bond there the other week.

They paid silly money for the EPL and they’re trying to justify it. I’ve no problem with them showing the EPL per se but as the state broadcaster they should be compelled to show at least as much Eircom League highlights in prime time slots as they commit to the EPL. Setanta are a commercial organisation and in fairness to them they show a broad range of soccer. RT cry when they lose rights to the Heineken Cup and soccer internationals but they’ve nothing approaching a sports strategy at the station.

Get over it Larry. You havent seen liv in top rated sports events on RTE? I’ve seen far more Liv games on RTE than I have Celtic ones. Also how were the panel going to give a fair analysis of that Celtic game when they didnt see it?

Rock, why would RTE show Eircom league games in prime time slots when nobody is going to watch them? Also, do they not televise big Eircom league games on fri nights?

The reason setanta show a broad range of soccer is because their channels are dedicated solely to sport. As a state broadcaster, RTE have to show a broad range of televsion and cannot concentrate solely on sport

dont understand why they pay so much for the epl when all competing channels show it as well - again it shows a short sighted approach by rtengland

gerrardno1 wrote:

Get over it Larry. You havent seen liv in top rated sports events on RTE? I’ve seen far more Liv games on RTE than I have Celtic ones. Also how were the panel going to give a fair analysis of that Celtic game when they didnt see it?

Rock, why would RTE show Eircom league games in prime time slots when nobody is going to watch them? Also, do they not televise big Eircom league games on fri nights?

The reason setanta show a broad range of soccer is because their channels are dedicated solely to sport. As a state broadcaster, RTE have to show a broad range of televsion and cannot concentrate solely on sport

They should show Eircom League because they should be compelled to do so. I’m no Eircom League apologist but I don’t understand why a state broadcaster should be allowed pay our license fees over to a foreign soccer league without contributing at least the same amount to our domestic league first. The biggest problem domestic soccer has here is its lack of proper media exposure.

The comparison with Setanta was to make exactly the point you’ve made. I don’t have a problem with Setanta buying EPL rights for whatever cost because they’re a commercial organisation and not paid for by the taxpayer. That’s the bottom line and that justifies whatever commercial decisions they take. Even with that however they do show a broad range of soccer and other sports from various leagues and they should be commended for doing so.

gerrardno1 wrote:

Get over it Larry. You havent seen liv in top rated sports events on RTE? I’ve seen far more Liv games on RTE than I have Celtic ones. Also how were the panel going to give a fair analysis of that Celtic game when they didnt see it?

I know Liverpool are on RT more often. They don’t historically get the ratings Celtic do on the channel though. They are shown more often because RTE seek to promote the EPL as much as possible. The panel could have analysed the highlights package and the level of skill involved. Insted they choose to talk about bargains for EPL managers in Russia. It was television made for Harry Redknapp and not the educated viewer.

From what I can tell Rte show United/ Liverpool ahead of Arsenal/Chelsea/Celtic most of the time when it comes to the Champions League. In this case the Liverpool Porto match would be the more attractive to the neutral like myself. With so much coverage of the Champions available through Skys Interactive service you can pick what you want to watch. I would watch Rte for analysis and the Sky/Itv coverage for the match itself as I cant stand Hamilton or Maloney.

larryduff wrote:

gerrardno1 wrote:

[quote]Get over it Larry. You havent seen liv in top rated sports events on RTE? I’ve seen far more Liv games on RTE than I have Celtic ones. Also how were the panel going to give a fair analysis of that Celtic game when they didnt see it?

They don’t historically get the ratings Celtic do on the channel though.

You sure about that? I recall you bringing somethig similar up at a stage last year and RTE said that Celtic Benfica was their lowest rating when they showed it.

Rock I agree with your point re the Eircom League but surely you are not equating Celtic matches to the Eircom League?

farmerinthecity wrote:

larryduff wrote:

[quote]gerrardno1 wrote:

[quote]Get over it Larry. You havent seen liv in top rated sports events on RTE? I’ve seen far more Liv games on RTE than I have Celtic ones. Also how were the panel going to give a fair analysis of that Celtic game when they didnt see it?

They don’t historically get the ratings Celtic do on the channel though.

You sure about that? I recall you bringing somethig similar up at a stage last year and RTE said that Celtic Benfica was their lowest rating when they showed it.

Rock I agree with your point re the Eircom League but surely you are not equating Celtic matches to the Eircom League?[/quote]

Yeah Celtic was the lowest rated group matches last year. Am almost positive though that on the two years (I think) I have seen top rated sports events (they were published in the Irish Times) Celtic and Manchester United were prominent and Liverpool were nowhere to be seen. In fact I think Celtic almost certainly topped Manchester United.

larryduff wrote:

farmerinthecity wrote:

[quote]larryduff wrote:

[quote]gerrardno1 wrote:

[quote]Get over it Larry. You havent seen liv in top rated sports events on RTE? I’ve seen far more Liv games on RTE than I have Celtic ones. Also how were the panel going to give a fair analysis of that Celtic game when they didnt see it?

They don’t historically get the ratings Celtic do on the channel though.

You sure about that? I recall you bringing somethig similar up at a stage last year and RTE said that Celtic Benfica was their lowest rating when they showed it.

Rock I agree with your point re the Eircom League but surely you are not equating Celtic matches to the Eircom League?[/quote]

Yeah Celtic was the lowest rated group matches last year. Am almost positive though that on the two years (I think) I have seen top rated sports events (they were published in the Irish Times) Celtic and Manchester United were prominent and Liverpool were nowhere to be seen. In fact I think Celtic almost certainly topped Manchester United.[/quote]

What do you mean top rated sports events? Is that ratings? I’m sure that RTE would show the game that is most likely going to be watched by the public so they can get more ad revenue.

gerrardno1 wrote:

larryduff wrote:

[quote]farmerinthecity wrote:

[quote]larryduff wrote:

[quote]gerrardno1 wrote:

[quote]Get over it Larry. You havent seen liv in top rated sports events on RTE? I’ve seen far more Liv games on RTE than I have Celtic ones. Also how were the panel going to give a fair analysis of that Celtic game when they didnt see it?

They don’t historically get the ratings Celtic do on the channel though.

You sure about that? I recall you bringing somethig similar up at a stage last year and RTE said that Celtic Benfica was their lowest rating when they showed it.

Rock I agree with your point re the Eircom League but surely you are not equating Celtic matches to the Eircom League?[/quote]

Yeah Celtic was the lowest rated group matches last year. Am almost positive though that on the two years (I think) I have seen top rated sports events (they were published in the Irish Times) Celtic and Manchester United were prominent and Liverpool were nowhere to be seen. In fact I think Celtic almost certainly topped Manchester United.[/quote]

What do you mean top rated sports events? Is that ratings? I’m sure that RTE would show the game that is most likely going to be watched by the public so they can get more ad revenue.[/quote]

says the man that defends lee clegg

FingalRaven wrote:

gerrardno1 wrote:

[quote]larryduff wrote:

[quote]farmerinthecity wrote:

[quote]larryduff wrote:

[quote]gerrardno1 wrote:

[quote]Get over it Larry. You havent seen liv in top rated sports events on RTE? I’ve seen far more Liv games on RTE than I have Celtic ones. Also how were the panel going to give a fair analysis of that Celtic game when they didnt see it?

They don’t historically get the ratings Celtic do on the channel though.

You sure about that? I recall you bringing somethig similar up at a stage last year and RTE said that Celtic Benfica was their lowest rating when they showed it.

Rock I agree with your point re the Eircom League but surely you are not equating Celtic matches to the Eircom League?[/quote]

Yeah Celtic was the lowest rated group matches last year. Am almost positive though that on the two years (I think) I have seen top rated sports events (they were published in the Irish Times) Celtic and Manchester United were prominent and Liverpool were nowhere to be seen. In fact I think Celtic almost certainly topped Manchester United.[/quote]

What do you mean top rated sports events? Is that ratings? I’m sure that RTE would show the game that is most likely going to be watched by the public so they can get more ad revenue.[/quote]

says the man that defends lee clegg[/quote]

says the man that looks for any excuse to fight the british, including defending the taliban.

id defend the taliban against legg everytime- the taliban havent killed any irishmen

thought finnan was injured?

gerrardno1 wrote:

larryduff wrote:

[quote]farmerinthecity wrote:

[quote]larryduff wrote:

[quote]gerrardno1 wrote:

[quote]Get over it Larry. You havent seen liv in top rated sports events on RTE? I’ve seen far more Liv games on RTE than I have Celtic ones. Also how were the panel going to give a fair analysis of that Celtic game when they didnt see it?

They don’t historically get the ratings Celtic do on the channel though.

You sure about that? I recall you bringing somethig similar up at a stage last year and RTE said that Celtic Benfica was their lowest rating when they showed it.

Rock I agree with your point re the Eircom League but surely you are not equating Celtic matches to the Eircom League?[/quote]

Yeah Celtic was the lowest rated group matches last year. Am almost positive though that on the two years (I think) I have seen top rated sports events (they were published in the Irish Times) Celtic and Manchester United were prominent and Liverpool were nowhere to be seen. In fact I think Celtic almost certainly topped Manchester United.[/quote]

What do you mean top rated sports events? Is that ratings? I’m sure that RTE would show the game that is most likely going to be watched by the public so they can get more ad revenue.[/quote]

Yes it is ratings. RTE don’t seem to care about ratings judging by their recent decisions. They are more keen to protect their investment of the EPL by the looks of it. Just look at their excuses for not showing the Celtic Moscow game and then their excuses which turned out to be blatantly untrue.

Why not look at the most recent ratings where Celtic have fallen down? I think that would make more sense than over the last two years or whatever…

Can’t imagne why RTE would show a game that they know would have lower ratings than another. I don’t think they need to promote their interest in the English league, which is hugely popular in Ireland as you well know

farmerinthecity wrote:

Can’t imagne why RTE would show a game that they know wo’uld have lower ratings than another. I don’t think they need to promote their interest in the English league, which is hugely popular in Ireland as you well know

Well Farmer do you think RTE believed that by showing Arsenal Prague would get higher ratings than Celtic Moscow? I don’t. They had a simple choice between the two and choose to show the EPL team. As for recent ratings I haven’t seen any other than the Benfica match. Have you?

larryduff wrote:

farmerinthecity wrote:

Can’t imagne why RTE would show a game that they know wo’uld have lower ratings than another. I don’t think they need to promote their interest in the English league, which is hugely popular in Ireland as you well know

Well Farmer do you think RTE believed that by showing Arsenal Prague would get higher ratings than Celtic Moscow? I don’t. They had a simple choice between the two and choose to show the EPL team. As for recent ratings I haven’t seen any other than the Benfica match. Have you?[/quote]

No it just strikes me as odd is all

I take your point on Arsenal versus Sparta though. You may be on to something…

Gerry - I’m not saying that Celtic equates to the Eircom League, just making the point that RT shouldn’t be allowed spend xm on the EPL without committing the same to the domestic league. They’re a state funded broadcaster and should be obligated to give parity to our domestic league.

On the ratings thing I remember seeing that list Piper and I’ll see if I can dig it out. I don’t understand why RT don’t show their top-ratings grabbers all the time but they clearly don’t anyway. They lied about the Celtic v Spartak Moscow rights and it’s hard to know what the real rationale is but I suspect it’s to improve their branding and stranglehold on the EPL. They see Setanta as a big threat and with Setanta getting EPL exposure in terms of live matches and getting the rights to the away legs of all the EPL teams in Europe then I think they wanted to re-emphasise their ties with the league. Just a theory but at least it’s more accurate than their original lies.