Rugby - June 2016 End of season meaningless friendlies


Blessed. If their backs had the possession we’ve had they’d be 30 points up.

The lads here in the bar are flummoxed.
no one knows the rules.
surely play went on too long there?

If Ireland had Cheika they’d be 30 points up.

You are obviously one of the " lads " too

Ireland saved by the TMO.

Astutely observed mate.

Actually I have, for better or worse. I always thought that he spent too long with the ball available at the ruck pointing, but he’s much better now. I was lukewarm about him, but he is absolutely fantastic.

Cronin PINGED.

This is a fucking fiasco.

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I’ll openly admit I know
nothing of this game. I’m just bemused
that lads who’d get dressed up in their
kit haven’t a clue what’s going on.

No one has a clue. The ref just plays it off the cuff by and large. Just accept it. Most games are shite, but this is quite enjoyable.

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Larmour looked like a chap who’d be better off back in the Leinster Schools Cup there.

I just want it to end. Awful game littered with errors.

The lad that scored the try for Australia has more Irish in him than half the Irish team. International rugby teams are like clubs. Pick who you want. With a name like Foley he’s probably from the 'well too going back along.

There’s a button on your telly especially for that. It has on/off written beside it.

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What are you doing in a pub just after midday on a scorching June Saturday?

This fucking thing is stopping every minute.
I’m kinda hooked now.
I was gonna fuck off to the shops
but I’ve just ordered another milky
coffee and I’ll see this out.

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Irish mentality. It’s sunny! Let’s go inside and look out at it …

I had to meet a man about a bit of business.