Rugby - June 2016 End of season meaningless friendlies

England restoring some pride to Northern Hemisphere rugby.
10-0 up after 5mins

24-3 to England after 17 minutes. Comical defence here from South Africa. Naive was the expression they used to use about African soccer teams.

To be expected with that captain, simply not officer class

Have many of the Boks played together before?

24-20 now.

What a test match.

I hope @GeoffreyBoycott is recording this.
Could be one for the ages.

This is a remarkable meltdown.

The wheels well and truly falling of the chariot.

Another try for the Boks.

Yurt ourra that. Eddie Jones has some hames made of the tans

Not really. They were actually never very good.

He actually did a great job with serious average players

Maro Itoje has regressed at a rate of knots

No time off whatsoever in 3 years


Yep look at jack McGrath and furlong. They are absolutely shagged. England have it much worse.

Exactly. Irish lads are well looked after but the Lions are wrecked

Yep John Ryan ruined jack McGrath. Schidmt should have brought James Cronin and given jack the summer off. It could cost him his World Cup spot.

England scrum like an Italian tank there

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Eddie flogs his players to death. He’s a mouthy cheeky chappie kind of fellow who gets immediate results but the novelty soon wears off and the wins dry up. He’s essentially the Davy Fitz of international rugby management.