Rugby Summer Tour

:lol: :ph34r:


Not sure how Owens thought our back 5 could straighten the scrum when our front row had turned them? Brian Moore agrees, said Nigel “made the rule up”. Iv never seen that penalised before to best of my knowledge for “running it round” but when back row breaks bind your always running risk of being penalised Was real turning point.

Good performance but beaten, and that’s the nub of it. In hindsight Sexton should have kicked the corner from the pen on half way, they were well and truly rattled at that stage would have kept play down there for a few mins anyway. At the time he shot was a no brainer alright

Also we get penalised a heap when in possession which is strange! More so than in defence

My brother was saying that they said kick at goal but then changed their mind but Owens took their initial decision and it could not be changed. Leadership mistake if that’s the case.

Thought the decision was made v quickly alright, not sure the capt was consulted

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Your luck is in Ireland rugby beaten, our best golfer out of US open, and you had such a bad dose of the runs you didnt waste a load of cash going to Poland to see the one Irish side you do follow being humiliated. Time to buy a lotto ticket I’d say

[quote=“dancarter, post: 690446”]

Your luck is in Ireland rugby beaten, our best golfer out of US open, and you had such a bad dose of the runs you didnt waste a load of cash going to Poland to see the one Irish side you do follow being humiliated. Time to buy a lotto ticket I’d say[/quote]


Its all coming up Dancing Baby!
A great week for cynics.

It was Healy being incorrectly penalised in the scrum that was the losing of it. Few other dubious calls in the 2nd half. Guilford and McCaw both split the ball forward in the 2nd half, Owens siad it went backwards. Bottom line is you’ll get nothing from a ref in NZ. You only have to look at what happened in the World Cup Final when the match was effectively fixed. Craig Joubert failed to award even one of the multitudes of penalties to France that were conceded by New Zealand in the 2nd half.

I wouldn’t have huge time for the Irish rugby crowd but from spending a bit of time in New Zealand a few years back you won’t meet a following in any sport as pig ignorant and insular as a New Zealand rugby crowd.

great mentality those ALL BLACKS have…no matter how bad they’re going during a game they always think they will beat us…great way to play sport… :clap:

on the mcillroy crashing out of another major…the greatest shame to Irish golf ws harrington deciding to mess with his swing that won him 3 majors…when you see who won the majors in that dark period for harrington i reckon he could have won another 2 if he had kept going… :strokechin:

was in supervalu earlier this morning…bought all Irish produced goods…sang ‘a song for ireland’ at the checkout before skipping home for a bowl of carrigeen moss…proud to be irish.

I have no idea how you could possibly never have seen a penalty for intentional wheeling of the scrum before. There’s one in virtually every game. Ireland, usually with a weaker scrum, have benefited from it many times in the past. It wasn’t our ball. We got a shove on but didn’t move the front rows around more than 90 degrees. It was obviously in our interests for the scrum to turn so we exaggerated the movement at the back and were penalised. It wasn’t 100% clearcut and Owens could have saved himself a decision by resetting it but I don’t think we can have too many complaints on the call.

Disagree. I am no scrum expert but the few I have spoken to about it agree, no pen. As do a lot of pro forwards on twitter today, Moore who is an expert on the scrum was going banannas over it. Of course iv seen pens for intentional wheeling, he didn’t penalise our front row though, as far as I can make out, seemed to single out the back row for “running it around” when the reality was they had fuck all choice when our front row got a nudge on. I’d guess if anything the AB pulled us round when we got the initial advantage, fair play to em, it’s all about survival as a prop when your under pressure.

I actually find this really strange. How could you possibly not have seen a penalty against a back row for running around before? It happens all the time. Ireland have done it so many times, props going backwards but back rows loosen and run around to make it look like the scrum has rotated 90 but the props have only rotated 45 or whatever.

Funnily enough Brian Moore has previously advised referees that any quick wheel in a scrum should be a penalty against the side who didn’t put in (which is the opposite of what he is saying today).’s_Scrum_Tips

Just to be clear: I’m not saying it was a crystal clear NZ penalty. But I thought it looked a fair call on viewing it at the time and can’t understand how it was in any way unusual.

But we were going forward? So our scrum has the advantage, our back rows are “following” our front row not dictating what direction the scrum was going surely. Can’t see how it was a penalty, but as I said I am far from a scrummaging expert.

I’d say we conceded more penalties today with the ball than in defence which is strange

Aaron Mauger says it was a penalty - good enough for me.

Yeah look I think we were on top in the scrums (which was refreshing) and had them beaten at that scrum too. But I think we tried to overplay it and exaggerated it by loosening binds and just running around a bit at the back to make it look like we’d shoved them through 90 degrees. Normally you get a reset for the first one of those but penalty is the punishment and we were penalised for our first one which wasn’t perfectly clear.

Brief comment on this game. Think it’s great to see a new team emerging, I think Ireland will remain the force we were. One thong I noticed as well and I think it’s something me and rocko commented on previously about irish players apparently have poor basic skills. This is something I think we have improved on and this new bunch of players are clearly more Technically proficient than their predessors. The major technical mistake seemed to come from older players last night.

Ryan and touhy could definitely form a formidable partnership on yesterday’s viewing. McFadden is coming on a heap even if he makes the odd mistake still. At this stage BOD (while still inspirational as a leader) is replaceable as a rugby player, problem is more at finding at no.12 though, a big one.

There was mistakes made but overall it was a very good team performance. The big issue I would have was the still too many stupid decisions made, Ross for a penalty, Trimble for numerous things and one or two others. Easy to say now, but I did say at the time I didn’t think sexton should have gone for the posts that time. NZ were rattled and more pressure was needed. They really looked unusually shocked going by their faces and body language. Physically Ireland stood up to them and matche them. Nobody was going to be bullied and Ireland were quite willing to fight if they had to. If Ireland keep that edge they’ll do as well next week and will be a force over next 12 months IMO.

Agreed with much of that Kev but I wouldn’t be as optimistic as you. I think we need to look at the performances this season in the 6 Nations and the match last week and consider the possibility that yesterday was the exception rather than the rule.

With the performances of Leinster and the stengthening of Ulster more than enough to compensate for Munster’s decline there’s little doubt that there’s a core of 15-20 players who are underperforming at international level. But while there is promise in Ryan and Tuohy and the scrum there still isn’t anything like the same clinical professionalism or intensity that even the likes of Wales are putting together, nevermind NZ. The Irish team under Kidney has been horribly inconsistent. That was evident at last year’s World Cup, in the 6 Nations and in this tour so far. Yesterday’s match may well turn out to be a turning point and the beginning of an era where international performances mattered more and brought a higher standard from the players than provincial performances. But there have been a few false dawns and I suspect NZ will win comfortably next week.

I must qualify my post by saying this is the only irish rugby game seen in quite a while.

is there any footage to be seen of the ireland under 20s match against england yesterday?

TG4 player?