Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

Turning over to the Brexit debate, it’s gonna be tighter than this non-event.

How do they assess if sexton is ever concussed if he looks like that normally

You’re a rugby fan suddenly happy that Ireland are losing in their biggest game in 4 years. I hate rugby and I’m not even enjoying this.

You’re a sickening two-faced poser cunt, youre the exact reason why people hate rugby. I’m embarrassed that decent lads like gilgamboa have to associate with you.

You’re the weakest poster on TFK.


In 2002 a joe from cross showed his losing charges a losers medal at half time and his charges responded .

What odds?

Stockdale is a fucking mule

Ah lads.

This thread has potential to break the Internet… :see_no_evil:

come on Ireland ta Fuck.

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Get that Hun cunt off.

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Are you drunk and raving already you boring cunt. I like rugby but have never been a huge fan or ireland. Its full of cunts with notions from limerick and dublin. My position has never waivered on this.

You’re not allowed jump ship now you bandwagon jumping cunt


5/6 free money


Soccer fans using the term bandwagon…

2nd half will just be the same, NZ will win by 50 or 60

I imagine Joe Schmidt will give the Kearnivore 25 minutes to turn this around

Might bring on Larmour then

What’s soccer?

Womens sport popular in west britain

I thought the rugby sages told us the tournament starts properly at the quarter final stages?

Two tonkings thus far by the sounds of it.


Here comes another try.