Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

I mean in 2015 Robshaw arguably went to do the same and lost out. You look great when it works, not at other times.

The difference was better form, players all hitting their peak and just a better squad overall.

He was our fwds coach for a few years before

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If Wales spring an upset and beat South Africa, I can think of one New Zealand born player starting in the final, Hadleigh Parkes. Iā€™m sure Iā€™m overlooking loads though.
Maybe post up a list there of the rake of Kiwis between England, Wales and South Africa.

How did we do then?

Weā€™ve never seen an AB team without a world class 7 before. Jones, kronfeld, McCaw. Severely cost them today at breakdown.

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The John Bulls have emerged

John Mitchell? Didnā€™t he play for Garryowen for a while back in the early days of the AIL in the early 1990ā€™s. @anon61878697 would know him well Iā€™d say from the Limerick club scene.


Pretty woeful it was mid 90s under murray kidd id say

Once again, you are not addressing the issue.

Itā€™s cowardly and not in keeping with the much vaunted manliness element of rugby football. The scummy soccer crew are going to have a field day with you. You are leaving yourself open for a mauling which is poor rubby play.

He did. That was murray kidd connection to Ireland role id say

John Mitchell was unreal for Sale sharks as a player. They had simon mannix at ten and former Ireland captain Dylan O Grady in back row with Mitchell.

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The Irish rugby set would still pick Sexton over both Farrell and Ford.

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There is a youtube clip of the off the ball lads the day before England best Ireland.pure deluded arrogance



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Never let facts get in the way of a troll post

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In 2004 we beat the then world champions , England, at HQ in the 6 Nations

And thatā€™s about the size of itā€¦ireland are cowards.

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Barrett brutally exposed when England kicked to him.

England is a powerful and confident country whilst the oirish are lickspittles and weasels. This mindset transfers itself on to the rugby pitch. England walked all over the cunts today