Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

The Scotch are being dismantled

Just shows what an over rated competition six nations is. 2nd rate.


Ireland’s performance versus the japs looking good now. @anon78624367 reckoned it was the most embarrassing loss in Irish sports history.

The Scots are fucking shit. Embarrassing stuff

The Japanese and international select destroying the scotch

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Japan are really good to be fair,

Scotland have been abysmal, they need some 2nd half now

This is the greatest bit of skirt chasing in the history of rugby. The Scots are a farce.

Was an excellent coach at club level as well for a few years. Surprised he didn’t stick with it

It’ll be quite a contrast in styles when Japan face South Africa on Saturday.

We’ll see when they play a real side. They have beaten a shite Ireland team and are beating a shite Scotch team

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Sensational half from Japan. The once every four years crew seem shocked. The lack of respect they showed Japan after the Irish game was gas. They have unvelievable pace in their game.

Scots poked the bear midweek as well hinting that Japs be happy with a cancellation


That decision from Carbery to cowardly kick the ball out and accept the losers bonus point coming home to roost now.

Looks like Vodafone Ireland will have the more difficult quarter final now, although they’ll still expect to beat New Zealand having beaten them twice in the last three encounters.


Matsushima must be cleaning up there. The noise every time he gets the ball is something else.

is there main electricity coming thru that cabinet on the LHS???

do we have time for an anecdote?
i was in a situation where the sub fan of a semi conductor factory in israel flooded and we had japanese enigineers running about in water trying to power off 4kW RF generators running off 3 phase…
fuck me lads

It’s been an embarrassing World Cup for @anon78624367.

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You’d have to fancy Ireland in that one. New Zealand needed the weather to qualify sure

Ireland gutlessly kicking the ball out of play v Japan has come back to haunt them.


4 day turnaround for Scotland, 8 for Japan. Starting to show now.


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