Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

Limerick has let ireland down yet again

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Ah for fuck sake. Lads can’t even pass the ball now.

Sexton firing the ball at poor Furlong :smile:

The New Zealand props are more skilful than the Irish backs

Sextons had a mental breakdown

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What can Schmidt do?

Fuck off Joe, fuck off is what you can do

Joe can throw in the towel that’s what joe should do.

They are starting to make mistakes

Complete and utter meltdown here. Sickening

it’s just about being brave now for the rest of the game.


No pun intended.

they looked shook from the off.

We’re wearing the All Blacks down with shoddy play.

Team of us me bollix

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Did ye see the Irish fans singing and celebrating behind coach Smith in that shot a few minutes ago. :joy:

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I wonder if that absolute gobshite wants to revisit these comments at half time.



Any nuns that needs punctures changed? Unlikely in japan. Not sure how else the narrative can be spun

Vodafone will have to rebrand after this.


The tactic of giving the ball back to the opposition doesn’t really work against this lot

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It’s like asking a Westmeath manager what he can do as Dublin run away from them.