Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

For fuck sake.


World class head shaking from the Irish.

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Stay in the dressing room ye useless cunts

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We did well not to be 30 down.

There’s a positive there

What channel will be better for delusional analysis

Murray has some slappable face on him

Some langballs in the crowd too. A good few event junkie steamers there.


Need to juice up now at half time


Ireland, ireland together standing tall

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Awful game management from Ireland.

Calm down everybody, the humidity will help Ireland in the second half

I still believe

O’Mahoney should be hooked at half time.

Absolutely shocking carry on.


Ah well.

At least we still have Round 3 of the Donegal Football Championship or whatever nondescript GGA game RTÉ have the rights to to look forward to later.

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Front up. Use the channels.

He wouldn’t know a rugby ball from a horses cock .

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You’d feel we had to score there

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This is shameful stuff from the world no. 1 side in rubby.

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Ireland hockeyed and Liverpool going to be hockeyed by Manchester United tomorrow

What a weekend

You’d have to question the wisdom of kicking the ball to the best player in the world alright