Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

NZ are brilliant brilliant brilliant.

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The fadder an mudder of a batin


This is gonna get very ugly…

Ireland can’t find touch or win a penalty in a kickable position.

These fuckers are ruthless, it’s actually great to see a team going for the throat like this.

Lads this is hilarious

Is there a losing bonus point we can get?

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Hard to see us getting back into this now.


What’s the early kick off in the premier league today?

Rest in pieces rubby in Ireland.

I had a tremenjus night of conviviality with a married New Zealand woman I got talking to after she did the haka in the middle of the front bar of The Quays pub in Galway last December

I hope she’s there again tonight

The team who came into the tournament ranked number one in the world 34-0 down in their first knock out match.

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England will sort them out

This match is the living embodiment of that great great quote “everyone has a plan til they get punched in the mouth”

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Eh, it IS ugly

Still a 5 score game with the missed kick.

Not one pundit predicted this or did I miss one?

Mike Tyson

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Ireland’s plan was to kick to the best rubby player of all time


God Bless Rory… thanks for the memories

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