Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again



He didn’t release


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Barnes making new rules up as he goes along. :smile:

The attempted fix is in.

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It’s lucky we didn’t get South Africa eh.


I got no word


Yer man Barnes mustn’t have heard that there is a tmo

The fix is most definitely in :smile:

Barnes is fucking hopeless

This is worse than South Korea against Italy in 02.

Japan living on the edge here. A Saffer try can’t be far away.

Good refereeing by Barnesy

Ridiculous for supporting his local provincial Irish team every other week? You’d prefer it presumably if he was traipsing over to Manchester and Liverpool every week like the Eire soccer types to follow an English franchise while the domestic Eire league rots. Or better again if he was heading over to Scotland like the Pretend IRA to see Glasgow Celtic put the likes of Ross County through their paces to the tune of 6-0 as they chase down a 9 in a row.


Cmon Japan to fuck

Beginning to slip away for Japan now. Can’t retain the ball and get the running game going. Let off there but SA will see this out with penos.

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South Africa forward power just wearing them down.

Very astute observation there chum.


If Germany were good at rugby, they’d play like South Africa

There is something of the Panzers about them

just turned it on to see the SA number 4 trudging off the pitch… A player who 100% benefited from roids.

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And sin é. A classic Saffer try

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