Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

And that’s about the size of it…ireland are cowards.

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Barrett brutally exposed when England kicked to him.

England is a powerful and confident country whilst the oirish are lickspittles and weasels. This mindset transfers itself on to the rugby pitch. England walked all over the cunts today


Good auld english brute strength won today. men against boys . Itoje bbc sports person of the year could be huge value now .

The only Irish people with a bit of backbone on the island, the northern nationalists, don’t play any rugby.


I meet Owen Farrell once in searsons after a game. Came across as a thoroughly decent sort. He goes up in my estimation every time he plays.

You did in your hole you lying cunt


lies, Gaelic football was invented for them and they play it like rugby. Particularly in Tyrone which led the GAA to introduce the black card.

Anyone got a Coral account?

A fucking compulsive lying cunt you are applecrumble , we all know your full of shit why even bother

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It’s hardly a big deal Owen Farrell goes for a pint in seasons after a game.

If England win Farrell collects.

England is the greatest sporting nation on earth. Rugby, cricket, soccer and a host of others, they’re nearly always there at the business end. It drives the micks demented.

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Even when they were shit in 07 they got to the final

Unfortunately Farrell isn’t the one kicking so I cant see him getting it . The Brits know the power is in the pack , Billy vinapola or itoje are the treasure of the crown .

You seem obsessed with seasons, it’s an absolute cuntfest, a horrible place.

Brian Ashton coached England to the 2007 final.

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Not at all.

Searsons. It’s a fantastic pub especially after a big game. Always serious talent around too.

And track and field also didn’t they clean up in the Olympics, rowing is a sport that shows the english mans strength , they put on a clinic everytime .
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