Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

Another rebrand in imminent.

Donā€™t be too hard on the young fellow. Heā€™ll be just gutted. It was an incredible decision though to go for a drop goal from so far out with Wales having such good field position and South Africa so edgy. Just hold onto the ball and surely the match winning penalty for Wales would have come.

@ChairmanDan @gilgamboa

Have South Africa had even one world class out half since Naas Botha

Because I canā€™t remember one

Pollard is terrible in general play

Stransky and De Beer were about their best and they were no more than competent

I had to look up who their out half was in 2007 was - Butch James - as I couldnā€™t remember him

Garces was pretty bad on both sides. Which is balanced I guess. :smile:

Even Naas Botha was mostly a big boot.

Sticking the boot into Irish rubby is the one thing that unites 99% of the forum ā€¦ hardly surprising to you is it?

Have they even had any world class backs in the professional era

Habana was one I guess

Kolbe has the potential to be one but they never give him the ball

Is it something in the Afrikaaner character that makes them concentrate on a massive forward-driven game

Youā€™d think those dry, parched pitches they have over there would be ideal for developing fast, exciting backs

Itā€™s been a bad few days for the rubby crowd in Limerick.

From sweep-sweepā€¦

To quislingsā€¦


them Munster fans can be hard work but the idea of Ewan calling anyone needy is ironic .

Not too many. Andre Joubert was a terrific attacking full back. Bit before that and a contemporary of Naas Botha - Danie Gerber was some centre.

Habana definitely. Heaps of top class scrum halves.

At a stretch youd say jean de villiers, maybe Percy Montgomery were top endā€¦but thatā€™s a stretch

Lambie and Goosen were two potentially good 10s who left for overseas and never fulfilled springbok potential

Yes I remember all of them - Botha and Gerber played in 1992 when they came back but were gone soon after

Didnā€™t see enough of them to really be able to judge them however - Botha was always said to be a great player

Joubert was decent alright, I think I remember him being particularly good in the second test against England at Newlands in 1994 which was live on ITV

South Africa still played a style that didnā€™t utilise him that much

The same names always crop up in South African rugby teams over the years

Le Roux
Du Plessis
Du Preez
De Villiers

Yet very few of these names are heard of much if at all in Europe

Afrikaans and Afrikaaner names are a weird bastardisation of Dutch with a bit of German and a touch of French thrown in

Christ Wales were fair brave today, injury after injury & still bringing it
Englands to loose

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and the odd Irish name appearing in there surely?

Professional rugby mate. We are all AIL men

I called that two weeks ago on the poppy thread


Iā€™m anyone but SA mate, I fucking hate them. Rhoided up drug cheats. Their scrum half is the greatest cunt in world rugby. I absolutely detest the little wanker. I hope England batter the cunts.

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Iā€™m against SA myself ā€¦ thereā€™s a large number of that team clearly juiced up. I;m also against England tho ā€¦ English rubby union and particularly the calibre of person it attracts goes against everything I hold dear in life.