Rugby World Cup 2023/ Crochet & Knitting chit chat

Wales sound like the Tipperary of the rugby world.

You what?

Do you not think so?
Maybe just me so, I wouldnā€™t recognise anybody else on the team, maybe the other scrum half but I canā€™t remember his name, is that Gibson Park?

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There was a video sent out by the local school of the younger classes performing Irelandā€™s Call and the Haka as Gaeilge a few years back for the Autumn International. The Haka stole the show but I was thoroughly impressed by a select few young fellas in the corner for Irelandā€™s Call who stretched up on their tiptoes for ā€œtogether standing tallā€ and then flaking into each other like 4 midfielders before the throw in of the All Ireland final for ā€œshoulder to shoulderā€. No surprise Ireland won that game with young fellas like that leading the support.


Youā€™re some bluffer boy


I donā€™t know I wouldnā€™t the best fella to ask Iā€™d reconize all of them but Iā€™d be very surprised, gobsmacked even, if Jackman was more recognizable to the general population than Peter o Mahony, furlong, earls, bundi aki at minimum

In fact Iā€™d be surprised if when shown a picture of Jackman more people didnā€™t think he was Keith Wood

I take it back, Oā€™Mahony and Bundee are miles ahead alright, I hadnā€™t thought about them :man_shrugging:

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Tadhg Furlong is hard to remember :joy:

When I last watched a rubby game Bundi Aki was Bundi Aki as in rhymes with Lackey but now heā€™s Bunde Aki as in A Key, according to news reports. I found this revelatory.


Iā€™d still call him the first one it flows off the tongue better ā€¦racking my brains here and I can only thing of Donal Lenihan who calls him a keeee

He had a few great stories on this about his own career. He was on standby three times and has a couple of great Gatland stories.

Heā€™s one of the good guys

Well, my oul fella, who had to fast forward an u20 match recently, to see the result, so he could then watch the rest of the match without getting over stressed, is having another lot of major surgery on Monday. I donā€™t even know why Iā€™m posting this here, but anyway, I spoke to the consultant today, who said heā€™d never usually let anyone out 48 hours beforehand, but heā€™d make an exception and heā€™s allowed home for the two games on Saturday. My brother said to the nurse today that he was taking him out for a bite. She thought it was the hospital cafe, but they fcuked off down to Oā€™Gradyā€™s for a massive feed. The oul lad is made up about tomorrow.
I was laughing with the sister saying that I hope one team of the other run away with it or he wonā€™t make Monday, but honestly, because of him Iā€™m desperate for Ireland to win. Heā€™s been a rubby man all his life. Played front row for trinity.
Please God Iā€™ll watch Ireland in the final with him, though I really donā€™t care for the narcissistic bollox of the ā€œbest fans in the worldā€ round any Irish team, who seem to feel itā€™s an achievement not vomiting, fighting and smashing up restaurants abroad like some English ape would.
This is a monumental sporting occasion for the country though. There is absolutely no doubt about that. The Irish team are thoroughly likeable too, though sexton is a bit whiney on the pitch, and Lowe annoys me for some reason. This is offset by sexton being one of the hardiest bastards ever to pull on a green jersey, and Lowe I am sure being an absolute gent off the pitch.
Iā€™m less certain than I was of victory, but Iā€™m very confident as I donā€™t think the all blacks are great.
The haka, which has morphed like an alien lifeform seems tiresome more than intimidating these days.


Iā€™m gonna say:
South Africa.

Hope your dad enjoys the game.


Best wishes to your dad.

Weā€™ll all just have to get behind Ireland now. Youā€™ve pulled the rug from under the anti-rugby lads something awful.


Thanks mate. Me too. Heā€™s been in the wars all summer. Heā€™s as tough as sexton. Hope he can get off the floor again.


All the best to flattythesteeplechaser.


The Samoan one was much better I thought

Youā€™re a rubby man now, stop fighting it.

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Ah sure lookit, I donā€™t follow the game and maybe had a bigger interest back when Jackman played, heā€™d sometimes come on the radio as well and Iā€™d hear a few minutes before I change the channels.
Iā€™d recognise a lot of names but I wouldnā€™t be able to pick many of them out of a lineup, I know the little scrim half with the thinning hair and I think his name is Gibson Park but I couldnā€™t be sure
Iā€™ll k ow by Sunday :man_shrugging: