Rugby World Cup 2023/ Crochet & Knitting chit chat

Looks like the Most Banterful Fans award is ours once again. We are truly world class at it.

The whole forum is in Paris we had better things to be doing


Easily the biggest day in the history of Irish sport


Portugal is backing the chaps in green btw


Today is gonna be the day they’re gonna throw it back to you

I have faith in the bag-chain

I’ve a real bad feeling about this evening.

The cockiness of the media & general public is way too high even for our crowd.

Egg to face incoming I fear

I reckon they’ve got this one but I’d be very worried for next weekend

I was looking at the odds there and couldnt believe Ireland were only 4/6.

I thought they’d be 1/5 the way people were going on.


Gavin cummiskey must be sick he’s gone from rugby and covering soccer for the paper of record nowadays.

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We need a countdown clock

Unreal stuff here from bono and the lads :joy:

That’s to win the tournament no?

FAO of Malachy Clerkin

Wales by 5
New Zealand by 37
England by 26
France by 9

If Ireland get bate I’ll take considerable consolation in seeing that tube bono sickened


The WhatsApp worked :frowning:

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I’m really looking forward to the match later. It starts at 2am here so I will go to bed shortly and then get up for it. I’ll watch it with a few other Irish living here.

I have a bit of a love hate relationship with rugby. I played club rugby as a teenager and really enjoyed it up to a certain level. My dad loved the sport and loved Ireland in particular.

Rugby frustrates me greatly though with some of the nonsense spouted about it. It is very unrepresentative of the population as a whole. The corporate jargon can be insufferable and the sport is really tiny globally so the achievements are relative and can be very much overblown in the media.

Yet there is something great about it. It can be an enthralling watch and a game suited to TV. It is pleasing to have a team where Northern Protestants represent Ireland and different identities are mostly respected.

I hope all here who are watching enjoy the match tonight.


Ireland by 10+. New Zealand are a pale shadow of themselves and this Irish team will do it.

I can’t face going into town to watch it. Be sick busy I’d say