Rugby World Cup 2023/ Crochet & Knitting chit chat

You’d always be wary going up against a side that the master tactician Joe Schmidt is involved with.

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Ireland to be forced into a change before the 15 minute mark

Wet ball Advantage Oirland

Never rains in NZ

Have you ever been to the South Island bro?

Watch for ab ball coming straight off the top of the lineout and played to first man out Savea aiming straight for Sexton all night. Schmidt style they’ve been honing all tournament I reckon with an eye to tonight

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Never stops raining in Limerick Shur

The virgin media montages would make you want to go out and play in traffic

Hardly surprising the All Blacks would target an injury prone out half?

This all feels like a slow motion car crash. :see_no_evil:

The Irish media are doing a terrible job at pretending the presence of Schmidt on the sideline for New Zealand isn’t melting their heads

Texted friends to say Ireland by 8+ too :+1:

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They spoke about him more than farrell in the build up. Bizarre

No, but how they go about it is what I’m saying. Kiwis typically used use lineouts as attacking ball for back/set moves. They’ve been trucking to one man out this tournament. Like I say, Id say that’s been designed with tonight’s meeting in mind

Spear tackle on Sexton within 2 minutes.

I’d love to give Finley Bealham a round of the sheep shearers.

I’m going with a winger to keel over

Is that a sexual act?

The smart money has backed the bejaysus out of Ireland in the last few days. It’s coming home.

New Zealand look very purposeful in the warm up. Tadhg Furlong with a wry look on his face.