Rugby World Cup 2023/ Crochet & Knitting chit chat

Take your points !!

We need to get our big men on the ball

Cunt has a foot in play throwing. Should be getting called.out

Great kick GP

If lineout don’t function game is definitely up

The guys are having to put in a lot of tackles already

Doris is getting hit like a rag doll.

Impressive jackal there

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NZ hands on deck there surely?

We’re gonna be well beaten here

New Zealand playing cup rugby.

Joe has us figured out

Ireland badly need points on the board.

Jordi Barrett looks about 45

Where could you find the pack weights?

Nervy start as per SA game tbf

Trust the process guys

Everyone of them is a yard slower than normal. Very nervous. NZ look much sharper and aggressive

Another QF choke incoming

Certainly looks like he is sussed in some areas