Rugby World Cup 2023/ Crochet & Knitting chit chat

Great character in fairness from 13-0 down. Previous Oireland teams would have folded.

Hansen is absolutely electric, I can’t remember another Irish player quite like him.


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Trust the process

Denis hickie

Game on Ger


You’re sick and tired telling the lads on here that.

The soft penalty from Barnesy was key. Very un New Zealand like

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Bundee mugged them all off there

New Zealand have only lost one World Cup quarter-final in the past and they led it 13-0 and it was refereed by Wayne Barnes.


Awful pass by Lowe and all. Aki is pott

Why kick that away

Bundee is the best player in the world

What’s he done so far? I haven’t noticed much from him

Not getting a sniff on the ground

Always breaks the line, incredible ability to do so

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Good Connacht stock

Surely shouldn’t be kicking the ball to them

Wan of me own

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