Rugby World Cup 2023/ Crochet & Knitting chit chat

Needed a few more bolters.

It was the rugby equivalent of ā€œand Smith must scoreā€

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Not really, no. Itā€™s a technique that was more prevalent and trained for in Australian rugby league and is becoming more common in union now. It was more a rush of blood to the head by Kelleher than something to be embarrassed physically about.

Had he kept his cool, we were going over the line and all heā€™d to do was drop, they couldnā€™t have got in under him or theyā€™d have given another penalty try away. Instead he broke and tackling technique of his opponent was spot on

White line fever.


Hmmmm. Lashing out at the football supporters seems a little pointless and quite classist. We have our own woes and can deal with them accordingly.

As regards the jolly up nature of following football, the scenes from france over the last few weeks have been exactly like the excesses of football fans, except no tires got changed and they seem wealthier.

More like not passing to a man in a better position but we were going over if he didnā€™t break away.

Would you ever go away ffs.

The exact same apes dancing France the last few weeks were the exact same dancing around there during the euros 2016.

In Ireland if you are successful thereā€™s this weird thing people love to see you fail.

This cohort of people who are delighted an Irish sports team lost is so strange.

Watterson misses the point I think. The players come across well in most instances (even though sextons petulant behaviour is tolerated much more than it should be) i think most of the criticism is at the barrage of advertising, team of us, horseplay antics, media love in and the constant use of jargon that seems to be used just for the sake of sounding clever: hitting his straps in the training paddock being just one example. And Jamie Heaslip of course.


That makes no sense. You said earlier rugby was different. It is just a jolly when lads follow football but rugby means moreā€¦ now youre saying its the exact same thing? Sure thats exactly what i said! Try to keep track of your arguments in the various threads and it will be easier to make them coherent.

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Why havenā€™t the likes of Gerry Thornley called out this selfish act of glory hunting at the expense of the Team of Us? Itā€™s being reported as if those dastardly rugby Gods thwarted us unfairly. Did the perp go to a private school or is his dad someone important in rugby circles?

[quote=ā€œJuhniallio, post:6094, topic:21320, full:trueā€]

I never said that at all.

Lads on here seem shocked rugby supporters are gutted.

Thatā€™s an utterly bizarre take by anybody.

Not had a chance to read thornley as am stuck scouring for the articles worldwide you said would be ridiculing the guards investigation of stachwellā€¦

Would it be called out in other sports? Iā€™m not so sure. Iā€™m also not so sure it needs to be. Everyone knows. Also, I think the lads are being harsh here, thereā€™s no guarantee the try would have been scored, and no one can be fully sure what was going on in the ruck that caused him to decide to wheel off. Just because weā€™d gotten one earlier, was no guarantee the same actions would have been this one go over.

If if if.

Spot on. Enjoying and appreciating the team, players and sport does not mean you need enjoy the droning on of journos and some sections of support.

But shur, let them at it. Annoying as they are no one is the gatekeeper of what is and isnā€™t allowed.

Weā€™ve long had to tolerate it and have learned to accept thereā€™s no point expecting a change from the Leinster crowd. You can even begin to respect, after some time I may add, the likes of @tallback and coā€¦

Patience and tolerance really are virtues.

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Youā€™re taking this really bad. Iā€™ll leave it be.

Thanks Mike. Your cutting wit really is too much to handle right now


The South Africans had a fairly intense pre match warmup the other nightā€¦. Mustā€™ve been a good 30 mins. I thought theyā€™d be bolloxed come game timeā€¦

Orange Juice GIF

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Poor 'ol Katie McCabe got plenty of stick for asking for fresh legs to help freshen up the team a few weeks ago. The softly softly approach to our rugby friends may work in November but come September it invariably fails. Iā€™m surprised the Team of Us would tolerate such selfishness considering all the hard work these heroes have put in.

Blatant insubordination is hardly the same

Ach she meant well. She was the captain and wanted whatā€™s best for the team. Lessons will be learned. If Kelleher is in the same position in 4 years time youā€™d wonder if heā€™d go for glory again. The silence suggests lessons wonā€™t be learned.