Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)


This is gas…
“ Ukraine’s replacing its democratically elected neutralist Government in February 2014 “

A President who ordered the attacking of a Peaceful protest by Students.

The Government who at the last minute refused to follow through on EU membership efforts? Who aligned back to Russia? Where did that President scraper off to?

The site screams neutral opinions by the way……

Sounds like an RT type.

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What in god’s name are you rabbiting about? I posted the article for Glenners without any comments whatsoever on the veracity of it.

Seriously, you need to take a take a step back here. You’re seeing bogey men everywhere on this thread.

Is the level of tripe you’re reading?


I read material from multiple sources. Stuff I agree, and more importantly, disagree with. I occasionally might even read one of your posts.

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Pay some respect to the Genocide Paedophiles
Be reasonable and see it from their side
You may think that slaughtering innocents
And anally raping 10 year old girls is bad
But in this fucked up world of ours
Who’s to say what’s right and wrong any more?
See it from their side and challenge yourself
Read views and opinions that confront you
That’s what a curious intellectual does
Have you ever thought that anally raping a child
Might be good, might be just, might be righteous?
That’s what the true intellectual considers
Did you ever think that civilisation was built on slaughter?
That we should celebrate the pruning of the herd?
Read about child rape, relax, read about murder, enjoy
It’s not as if you’re the one suffering it
And anyway, those 10 year old girls are Nazis
So don’t take it so seriously, it’s only TV
It’s only the INTERNET, you get too emotional, petal
The most important thing is to maintain a cool detachment
And gently poke those earnest do gooders, do nothings
Why do you care? Why don’t you fight?
And what about this, what about that?
What about the other things I pretend to be concerned about
Why aren’t you talking about something else, you hypocrite
I’m a critical thinker, I do my own research
Look at this cool alternative blog I found
That’ll really annoy the usual suspects
I’m cool, paedophilia and slaughter doesn’t anger me
I’m nonchalant, none of this is happening anyway
It’s all a lie spread by the CIA
To discredit the Genocide Paedophiles
That I don’t support but will always defend
Before pretending not to, laughing
It’s all an act, it’s all performance art
For my own personal gratification
Because I believe in nothing
And as somebody once said
This is how it feels to be lonely
This is how it feels to be small
This is how it feels when your world means nothing at all
This means nothing to me, Oh Vienna
What country is that in?
God I’m such a hoot

Two threads:

I’ve been sharing what many Russian nationalists are saying on social media for weeks. What they’re saying today is a new level of extreme. They’re baying for genocide. They demand it. They won’t be satisfied until they get it.

I can’t post any quotes. They don’t deserve to be shared. We don’t gain anything from it. I’ve spent years reading war propaganda and accounts of the most awful traumatic events, and this stuff is - and I’m not exaggerating - grotesquely fucked up.

The West’s response to war crimes is to call for investigation and justice. The other side’s response is to call for genocide against Ukrainians. What can you even do with that?

One of the more unpleasant things about the Russian media feeds today is the lack of empathy for the Ukrainian dead. Their images are constantly reshared with the claim that their deaths “prove” the West is evil, that the world hates Russians, and that Russia is under threat.

Civilian deaths are instrumentalized as a means to persuade the viewer that the war is necessary, justified, not yet broad enough in scope, that it cannot stop until the “end” is reached. What that end is, of course, remains unspecified, but we know it has to be extreme.

All the while, of course, the Russian media is screaming that the West/Ukraine has faked evidence of killings or even killed civilians deliberately in order to justify a war against Russia. It’s all projection. It’s all totally topsy turvy.

But not once have I seen a post or update that says: “We, Russians, are devastated to see this loss of life. It’s a tragedy. We are thinking of the families.” No. It’s always: “Ukrainians killed Russians. The West wants war. We must destroy.”

Everything in the Russian info sphere is repurposed to fight war in the present and future. All empathy is designed to be subjugated to the state’s desires. All language beyond the state’s is unspeakable. This is totalitarianism.

@glenshane , I wouldn’t really read these lefty do gooders, but Milne called the whole thing perfectly in 2014.— The US/EU over played their hand then and wouldn’t get involved if war ever came…

Scrambling about tugging the bollocks off yourself. New edgy you eh?

Can you ask Seumas why protestors turned aggressive?

Seriously, what’s wrong with you? Grow up or fuck off and don’t be wasting my time. You’re operating on the ‘sides’ guff posted here last night. I’ve no interest in it.

A known pal of Putin called it all perfectly?

Everything alright at home, buddy?

I’m ace, champ. Why wouldn’t I be?

@StoneCold , are you suggesting Putin ghost wrote the piece?

You don’t come across as somebody who is well.

You’ve allowed yourself to be groomed by that ape from the Sperrins and your posts are of those of somebody who has had something snap inside them and has gone full tonto.

What a shame it’s not freezing cold here!

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:joy: these cunts…

“ The Russian Embassy here has also expressed to the Department of Foreign Affairs that Russian people living in Ireland feel unsafe and discriminated against as a result of the war in Ukraine “

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Well that’s it. You can read whatever and judge, assess and read further accordingly. The current head of the CIAs prophetic 2008 warning is a case in point. You dont have to share some ideology with him or anyone else to recognise the significance.
You post anything here and a few lads desperately scramble round the internet to find some negative opinion of the author or publication. Nothing has been tead, nothing has been understood but the childish smug confidence is displayed regardless. And even though it hasn’t been read they can attack you for posting it. Harry is a case in point. He’s read nothing and understood less, yet his confidence in his own informed assessment is unshakeable

People can’t even be an ordinary decent Nazi without being dismissed these days.



@padjo is the oracle.

Padjo is the truth.

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