Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

The Kinahan gang and the International Association of Cute Puppy Murderers have also declared their support for Putin.

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Take that you cunts

I could be wrong (see how I did that) but I think he expected them to capitulate after the first night’s bombing. But now he’s faced with sending more troops in to a killing zone with a smaller outnumbered force, but still thousands of them running around with javelins and know the territory. Zelensky is doing a good job keeping up the psychological pressure, Putin knows if there are mass civilians killed it will be all over the world’s news shortly after. I think he’s fucked up royally, he should have been reading TFK for strategic guidance.

Could the Americans & the Chinese be setting Putin up?

No mate, but the Chinese could be using Putin.


This is a war crime.

Putins Russia must be crushed

Pity Dan Breen isn’t alive. I’d say Dan would have loved an old javelin missile in his day.

Flattening Kyiv like he did to Grozny could bring him down. I think there would be mass protests in Russia.


Going by what the military analysts are saying on CNN, the Russians haven’t next or near enough ground infantry to hold any ground gained in urban Kyiv. The scorched earth scenario is a real possibility.

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I dunno.

Satellite images show he has serious reserves in place & ready.

His body language & use of words in press releases is also worrying I think.
I don’t think he is one bit bothered by civilian deaths or them being reported either.

If he’s not taken out of the line from within he’s going to do terrible damage.

The only crack in composure seen so far from the Russians since this started is in the reaction of the UN representative & his aides earlier as the Chinese effectively strung them up.

Great progress

He should get fucked and die?

FOAD we say….

He should never have gone in, or at least the way he did. He may have permanently destroyed his reputation on TFK let alone the world stage. You might see a few rebrands.


Looks like we’ve got some more of the bastards.

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But if he can’t win with the aerial attack and taking out all their air capability, the only option left is on the ground. That can be tricky as Bush and Obama after him found out. I realize he is gone mad or maybe was always mad, but does he have the stomach for a long conflict?

What’s the best channels for coverage lads? @Cheasty

Ferocious gun battles all over the city now

Dan used the javelins he was given to great effect.
Later in life too by all accounts, not a weapon that discharges bullets though

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