Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Maybe the Russians at home need to see what there despotic leader is sending their sons to Ukraine for.


Great video Bird. To make peace we must make war.

The real men of Ukraine are fighting and dying for what is right. I’m spending my time playing computer games and sitting on the couch. No longer. I’ll have a nap until 3 or 4 o’clock and then I’ll head down to the Russian embassy for a few minutes.

They have netblocks in place for exactly that reason. Twitter has been blocked across their platforms.

You can be sure it’s being shared via messengers and other means

I actually met him a few years ago at a conference. He loves the sound of this own voice. I don’t actively follow him to be honest.

Burned alive in a tank. :slightly_frowning_face::slightly_frowning_face:
Putin caused this. Not one fcuk will he give.

Russia’s cyber-attack on Ireland was an unprovoked attack by a superpower on the civilian population of a neutral country. Micheal Martin should have given a speech to the UN about it. Counter-intuitively, it also shows how pathetically weak the Russians are.

It is time for Ireland to develop its own cyber war-fare team and fight fire with fire. The influential Russian billionaires living in the UK wouldn’t be able to stop us because they’d all be fucking assassinated.

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Johnny Turkey has primed him self well for this tbh

Illia Ponomarenko on Twitter: “BREAKING: :tr:Turkey has closed the Black Sea for Russian warships due to Putin’s aggression against Ukraine” / Twitter


I hope that’s fake.

No one needs to see that.

I hope they see it in Russia

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What’s the political situation in Moldova like?
Could they in the Russian firing line if they keep pushing across Ukraine?

There’s 100k Chechans on the way to Ukraine

The Russians are going to get desperate. They’re already getting desperate. The barbarous cunts.

Or maybe these images will strengthen his support further.

That is a serious boost to Ukraine.

Will it cause more upset against Putin or swell support for the Cunt though.

I know a chap who went home there 10 days ago.

He can’t get out of there now


Like fuck there is

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