Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

A proud day for Ballinamore.

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Tee hee

Man arrested as truck driven into Russian embassy gates

Can’t see Ukraine signing up to these terms. Russia bombing cities to rubble and 4 million people displaced across Europe for them to get everything they want. And they haven’t won yet.

  1. EU membership will be the minimum demanded now. And guarantees of non interference from Russia.
  2. Referendum at best
  3. Referendum at best.
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€120 is serious value for a Compact Mass Kit.


This is how it works

I don’t get why they have to show their faces. They are someone’s family.

Is this being reported in the mainstream media? Is it official?

[Of the truck reversing in the embassy gates, russians came out with this beaut:

The incident is cause of extreme concern. We believe that no people of sound mind could support such senseless and barbaric actions," it added.

The ironing

on behalf of the people of central and eastern Europe i reject these terms
Crimea is as Ukranian as Lviv
Rooskies Out Now


It’s not as if Dessie had a bar and restaurant that might have benefited from his actions.
Ecclesiastical supplies are unlikely to see the sales surge anytime soon. Meanwhile Prior’s is wedged….

Seems to be

Is Zalensky gonna do a Mick Collins on it and agree to all this ???

Hardly, sure if he was going to agree to all that there would never have been a war. These were Russias demands before a shot was fired.

A sign of desperation from the Russians?

Could be or an excuse for escalation of Air & Naval strikes.

Some good banter


Nice ratio developing

An artful “it’s” error in there

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St Petersburgs pearly gates