Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I’ve sent you a PM with a link to my Twitter, which is under my own name with my photo.

I can stand over my opinions.

Can you?

If you want to talk about who’s a coward and who isn’t, walk the walk.

Oh, and don’t think I’ve forgotten the fake accounts your fake “free speech” ilk created to get me banned from here when you couldn’t hack debate.

Doxx me you cunt I dare you.


I’m not so sure on that. The poster @glenshane pointed out that the situation is a bit more nuanced than Putin alone. Whether he’s right or not is another thing but because he tried to say it’s a complicated situation he has been accused of supporting Putin, supporting the invasion and the deaths that go with it. He’s been charged with being far right. Of hating refugees and a rake of other stuff.None of which he said but because he doesn’t echo the status quo a whole pack of lies has been attributed to him. Other than that the info you get here can be got anywhere.


Admins HELP HELP!!! :warning:

Can’t we have discussion without threats of doxxing? Do we need to ban the next fella who brings it up?

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You say your name is nowhere on the internet.

Do you ever wonder why that is?

I’ll tell you why.

i) It’s because you can’t stand over what you say and
ii) It’s because you’re a snivelling coward.

Now. Remember it was you who called me the coward. Again, I’ve sent you a link to my Twitter, held under my own real name.

The ball is in your court. If you want to walk the walk, the offer is there. Do so under your name and identity.

And again, it was your cowardly ilk who tried to get me banned from here. Because you couldn’t beat me in debate.


I’ve never tried to get anyone banned from anywhere kid. I don’t have an internet account on twitter etc is all.

I operate in cash only sure.

Rochers down to €6 in dunnes for mothers day. The dogs will have a great day on Sunday

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@glenshane could scarcely be more far right than he is.

He literally takes his opinions from a self declared fascist podcaster who said FDR was on the wrong side on World War II.

What’s with the aggression?

Can’t say fairer than that.

Log out.

Fuck sake

Fcuk me!

Lot of lads in Limerick Jersey avatars rooting for the Russians


Some people find it difficult when a mirror is held up to them

Shur look at @Dooley wondering back in the door

We have another keen intellectual here I see.

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A quick explanation of the sort of murderous tactics Russia likes to use.

They have a tougher job than NATO here.

Lads. This is an anonymous Internet forum for fucks sake will ye keep ye’re real life identities out of it.
Fuck off to Twitter or Facebook with that owl shite.