Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Putin is on the way out I’d say.

Video of it here. He’s not well t’all. Hopefully he dies roaring

He has that look alright… What, or who, follows him tho?

Did he get slipped a cup of the special tae they love in Russia?

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Sky news live from Moscow ??

He’s holding onto that table like a lad in a meeting the morning after having a feed of Porter and the tummy rumbling …

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Either that or there’s a button under there that he’s deciding whether to push…


If this keeps up Russian fires are going to need their own dedicated thread.

Russia’s on fire, their defence ministry is terrified*

*Or possibly behind it

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Prodigy on tour

Boris Johnson is sending serious gear into Ukraine, 155mm calibre shit, where are all the other other wankers? Germany shamed into it, NLAWS made in Belfast going in a mile a minute

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Not many countries pulling their weight here. I don’t think the Brits deserve too much credit for being behind Estonia.

If Trump was in power that big bar beside the US’s name would be a lot smaller.

The French must be funding Russia instead.

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“At war with the whole world.” Would remind you of a couple of lads here.

It’s increasingly obvious that Putin wants eastern and southern Ukraine to control the Black Sea. The attack on Kyiv was likely a bit of a distraction to weaken Ukrainian forces. Next stage of the war could be very intense as the Russians go all out for a victory by early May.


Welcome to the forum @PauloMaldini, we’re badly missing some Italian Irish influence around here of late, would you mind telling us a little about you?


Welcome back!

The Turks should block off the Black Sea and the Germans should shut off the gas pipe line, then we’ll see what happens.

Germans are diddering all over the place. They’re about as much use as tits on a bull during this whole thing

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“Joined April '15”

Sleeper agent

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What do you think of Ulster football?