Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Jesus she’s hard as nails.

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If we have learned one thing from the war it’s that Russian TV is intense as fuck.

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It’s a geopolitical version of El Chiringuito.

It’s a prime time debate, but if you give the wrong answer you die. High stakes shit

A series on that would reinvigorate Netflix.

Vlad Game

What is up Vlad’s sleeve next. The world arming the Ukranians to boot the Ruskies out out out. Surely he’ll see that as unfair, and want to try something sneaky…

he was sent in on purpose ffs

Apparently an old Soviet tactic. Put some sort of decoy on the airwaves who speaks against the narrative, see who agrees with the viewpoint given and round them up the and off to the gulag with them.

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Off to the gulag with everyone, and their families.

Kasparov’s analysis has been consistently clear headed. This is no exception. He is spot on about the lily livered yet cynical appeasement of Putin by idiot European politicians, the worst of whom is Macron.

Three months into Putin’s genocidal total war on Ukraine, Putin’s Global Rescue Team is assembling again. Heads of state, media, pundits, all the usual suspects eager to preserve a horrific status quo & sacrifice thousands of Ukrainian lives, and call it peace. 1/13

Ukraine is bleeding, without the weapons it asked for. Putin is rushing to annex more Ukrainian territory, issuing passports and currency, killing and deporting thousands and bringing in Russians, as he’s been doing for 8 years in occupied Crimea and Donbas. 2/13

The profiteers and appeasers, working with or for Putin, like Kissinger, join the false “peacemakers” in France and Italy to send more Ukrainians to the hell of Russian occupation, dozens of Buchas to come. Who are they to tell Ukrainians how to live and die? 3/13

Putin knows the weapons will get there, in less than a month, so he is desperate to push the story of a stalemate, to get a ceasefire he won’t honor. Under that cover he will consolidate territory, continue annexation, and liquidate any resistance. He’s done it before. 4/13

Some allies are slow-rolling weapons deliveries, afraid of Ukrainian victory. If Ukraine makes more progress pushing Russia back, Western leaders might lose their coveted “peace for our time” moment and not be able to rush back to Russian gas & oil. 5/13

Ukraine needs air cover, while allies point fingers and play hot potato with who needs what permissions to provide jets and other weapons. Do they want the carnage to end, or just cover it up, postpone more, guaranteeing it will be worse next time? 6/13

Macron hoped Zelensky would be a Marshal Pétain for Ukraine, but he’s turned out to be more a De Gaulle. Ukrainians don’t want to live in a Vichy Republic under Putin’s fascist regime. So they fight like hell for their nation–and for Europe and the free world. 7/13

But Europe is not fighting like hell for Ukraine. The “union” is not united, not standing for the values of its founding. A war for life & liberty has no room for friendly deals with aggressor dictators. What do France, Italy, Hungary say they stand for in doing so? 8/13

The Putin Rescue Team is unashamed even after the horrors of Mariupol and Bucha. Editorials still call for off-ramps and deals with a war criminal. If only these appeasers, safe and sound and well-fed, had a tenth of the courage Ukrainians have under fire. 9/13

Putin pushing for a deal is a sign to keep the pressure on, to destroy his invading army and to bankrupt him and his mafia. US leadership is required to keep turning the financial screws, to show them things will not improve until Ukraine is whole and free. 10/13

Stop thinking about concessions Ukraine can make. They are paying a terrible price in blood, with decades of rebuilding to come. They are paying for years of weakness and corruption of the European nations that eagerly did business & diplomacy with their invader. 11/13

Ukraine needs every weapon they ask for without hesitation. The free world is lucky to have a brave and skilled Ukrainian military on the front line of a war they never wanted, a war the West tried to pretend did not exist. They aren’t a proxy, they are a partner. 12/13

Bankrupt Putin & his regime. Give Ukraine what it needs to win. Shame anyone who would rescue Putin from suffering the consequences of his murderous war. Ukraine must choose, and as long as they choose to fight we must fight with them. Glory to Ukraine. 13/13


I’m supposed to go to a conference next week where Gary is a speaker.

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Apparently the organiser asked how he wanted payment and he replied “cheque mate”.


One would presume the official French reaction to this will be to blame the victim.

Incredible how normalised this war has become around here.

Yeah. @Mac eviscerated @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy yesterday and no-one batted an eyelid.

Normal? Do you pay for fuel, heating oil or electricity?

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I’m pleased for Ukraine that at least some of their people might take a small crumb of encouragement from tonight’s result after what has been inflicted on them and continues to be inflicted on them by a genocidal Nazi state.

We have 4 young Ukrainian girls staying in my house since March. The father of two of the girls (sisters), was sent up towards Chernobyl this week. The poor young ones are worried constantly, but this news has really stressed them. It’s very tough for them.