Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

That’s a bit mental if you don’t mind me saying.

My experience so far regarding the Ukrainians who have landed in Dublin is that the vast, vast majority of them are genuine. Most are here until they can go home. A lot are here to stay, and already looking to work. Some aren’t in a position to work and wont be for a while (very few have English), but they’ve worked all their lives and, if they do end up staying, will likely contribute far more to here in the long run.

Now, there is a huge problem with bogus asylum claims here at the moment, but it is certainly not coming from the Ukrainian community


The same lads who go mad when a jury reaches a decision they don’t agree with based on what they read on Twitter.

It’s the lads who have all the answers to all the questions you need to watch. They move seamlessly from pandemics to wars to defamation trials shouting Nazi.

There’s nothing that their opinion doesn’t matter more on than somebody’s actual expertise.


A classic example here of one of the morons who has been driven demented by the internet.

Facts, context and reality mean nothing to this sort.

This lad is part of the problem our societies face.

About 60% of the Ukranian refugees have gone home already. Been a steady increase since after Easter

Just like every large grouping of people there’s a small percentage of cunts who ruin it for everybody.

There are loads of them here in South West Kerry. 100 of them staying in a disused monastery near Cahersiveen. Another 20-30 staying in Cable O learys down in Ballinskelligs and same amount again going into a hostel up the road from there. Population of primary school has gone up from 103 to 163. They are really prominent in the rural areas which is essentially just old people and a few tourists. The tourist season has been impacted alright but locals dont seem to mind and even threw on a welcome party. If you had to flee a warzone and end up somewhere it would be like winning lottery to end up here. I doubt they have seen such scenic beauty before.


yeah any of the Ukrainians I have met are similar. They want to be sustainable themselves while here, not being reliant on hand outs or the state. One of the people I’m in contact with was looking for the driver theory book so she is now helping the others who have poor English to try help them get their drivers licence transferred to here as it is a major issue them not having their own transport where we are. There are a few jobs this time of year in tourist season that they are able to do and want to do, but getting to places of employment is the issue. A lot of them are wanting to integrate too. We have about 20 kids between different ages signed up in the GAA club here now too. We have a bus arranged to collect them for trainings, but even sorting that is not easy. Particularly as we are amalgamated with another club and training for older age groups are split between locations. But the kids are liking it and the parents all come and try mix in as best they can. Its great to see, but terrible when you think of the reason why they are here.



Research shows that recognised refugees are on average more economically productive than natives.

It’s great to see it.

Imagine if homeless people from Dublin would take up accommodation options in Rural Ireland. I wonder would numbers drop dramatically.

Unfortunately for the poor Ukrainians they haven’t that option to wait on that 3 bed apartment in Cabra or Rathfarnham

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Bicycles of all sizes are one of the most useful items they can get here in Limerick.

A departing coach of southern hemisphere origins gave a large stock of bikes and other useful kit to the local support group without any fanfare or publicity. Sound :+1:


That was mighty decent of him.

There’s either a ban or there isn’t. This stuff drives me crackers.

Putin had his imperial cock out at this St. Petersburg “economic summit”:

Here’s how Kazakhstan president Tokayev responded, sitting beside Putin. Putin will see this as a grievous insult.

Putin would be brave taking on Kazakhstan.

He can’t handle what he has
