Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

They are war ships
Lots of US / NATO infrastructure is within Russian missile range.
Is expensive grain better than no grain?

The Ukrainians have mined their ports. The turks have offered to help clear them- partly out of self interest as some are drifting into Turkish waters. The russians have suggested cooperation…

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Are you worried about food shortages in the autumn:

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  • No

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I grow a lot of my own fruit and veg, and meat won’t be a problem, so no.

The destruction of Israel might be a small bit of good to come out of this sorry affair.

Don’t forget added emigration from counties in africa and Asia so that could have some impacts too.

Didn’t know Shane Stapleton posted here. Did you?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I don’t even know who he is tbh

He’s the chap that constantly puts up boring and pointless polls on his Twitter machine.

I’m just curious to know the general feeling of people on here.

I think the whole world is going to collapse in the next few months.

Must be awful going around with such a pessimistic state of mind about everything


It doesn’t really impact me it’s just a believe I guess.

Shur what about it if it does? We had a good run and Limerick winning 3 in a row was always going to be a sign of the apocalypse.

Society always finds a way pal …

You mightn’t be that far wrong.

War has consequences - which is why the measures which would have prevented it - ie. Ukraine being admitted to NATO and/or NATO troops being moved into Ukraine - should have been taken.

But being involved in a war without fighting in it and without the explicit aim to win it at all costs, also has consequences, consequences one can guess at but which one cannot know for sure beforehand.

In war, you go in hard or you go home. And going home is not an option. Going in harder, much, much, much harder, is the only option, the only moral option. To me the consequences of the west directly fighting Russia are now likely much less than the consequences of not, and have been since February 24th.

World War II is now thought of as a triumph for the west, but in reality the west did not start fighting properly until 1944 and that fight was a long overdue and utterly necessary remedial action for years of inaction and failure, and overall the Allies’ actions in the 1933-1945 period were a crushing failure, because the Holocaust was not prevented, and the mass destruction of Europe was not prevented. They sat back for a decade and allowed events to unfold.

It’s happening again. We never learn as a species.

I wouldn’t just forget about the half of Europe being on fire and the impact that has on things.

Climate change is going to have huge impact on food production and then add in a war it’s going to get very tough Imo.

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It’s not just war. It’s that western governments seemingly have little or no answers to the great challenges of our time. Wealth inequality spirals ever further out of control, housing is now seen as a privilege you should pay through the nose for, rather than the right it should be. Climate destruction and climate migration will change the world for the worse. There is a feeling of utter powerlessness and helplessness among ordinary people which has never been there before in modern history at any rate. This helplessness leads to widespread belief in snake oil like race hatred and anti-immigrant hatred, the anti-vaccine cult, the Covid denialist cult, the Trump cult, the pro-Russia cult, the climate denialist cult, the cryptocurrency cult the anti-trans cult, QAnon etc. The informational landscape and its increasing domination by the kleptocratic interests who wish to end free societies enables the spread of this snake oil. When these beliefs run rampant, chaos ensues, and free societies cannot hope to survive.

Several posters here are captured by either some or possibly even all of these cults.

Those in the west entrusted with the protection of liberal democracy and liberal, free societies are not serious about doing so. They are either captured by kleptocratic, plutocratic, fascistic interests, or totally impotent about defeating them.

The liberal world order is at stake according to ex senior VP’s from BlackRock.

They would know in fairness.

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If only the hard left were in charge everywhere.