Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

You are only getting your bags back if you agree to take in a Ukrainian family

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Have any of them been placed with families yet? I’ve not been following that

I think they gave up on it. Easier to give the city west it’s annual bailout

Heard there were lads connected to the big hotels using Ukrainian youngwans as domestic sex slaves.

Seems the Grain is getting out tomorrow according to the rte news.

Russians cutting off the genitalia of Ukrainian POWs. Their barbarity knows no bounds.

I haven’t been following, how has agreement in relation to safe movement of Grains from Ukrainian ports being going?

Russia bombed Odesa port within hours of it being signed.

Zelensky has been busy with a vogue magazine photo shoot recently. It’s not easy fighting a war.


Had heard that but nothing since. Has anything got out yet at all?

I’d imagine images like that provide huge motivation to his army & people. Whatever side of the fence you sit on you must recognise that.

Putin filled a stadium for a rally and gave his speech behind bullet proof glass.


Even when the deal was “signed” it was stated that nothing would be able to get out for a couple of weeks, it’s not just a case of signing something and away you go.

I don’t expect anything to get out, it seems clear - and should have done at the time - that the Russians are not in any way serious, and only signed an “agreement” for the hell of immediately breaking it.

World hunger is one of their few remaining weapons. Deliberately causing artificial famine is in the DNA of Russian rulers.

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Turks won’t stand for that tactic though…. Leaves them wide open to huge ramifications

The world is not dealing with a regime that deals in any sort of logic. We are dealing with barbaric savages.

He’s probably wondering if his 30m in offshore accounts is safe from harm. As big a crook as he is he might well have ended this months ago but for boris and joe needing their distractions.

Reading and over the years, pro-Russia posters proliferated to such an extent and dedicated such an amount of time to trolling there that there was little doubt at least some of them were were being paid to be on there.

Happily we don’t have any paid pro-Russia trolls on this forum - the Russians don’t pay lads who are as thick as ten planks and couldn’t tie their own shoelaces, never mind construct a basic argument or even a point about anything.

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Good to see Russian Ambassador to Ireland Yuri Filatov agree with Sabina Higgins letter to the Irish Times